Sunday, October 22, 2017

Millsy's Empire - The Garrison of Carroburg

G'day Folks!

I started gaming in 1982 and like many my age my gateway drug was D&D (1st Edition AD&D in my case). Within weeks I was buying Essex Miniatures 25mm fantasy miniatures and painting them badly in Humbrol enamels.

Through a combination of football, study and one particular girl (the right one as it turned out) I somehow managed to remain oblivious to Warhammer until 4th edition was released in 1992 when I finished uni. This meant I missed all the wonder of older Warhammer editions in terms of narrative gaming, playing for fun rather than competition and all the other great stuff that pervades the Oldhammer ethos. Even then I didn't dive in, not having the disposable income required. By the time I finally did start playing Warhammer it was 6th Edition but I was hooked.

Fast forward 35 years and I am regressing through Warhammer editions, still never touching anything beyond 6th/7th but spending more and more time on 4th and now 3rd edition.

As an ardent collector of Perry Citadel sculpts I have a huge Savage Orc horde and a couple of kilos (yes really) of Empire too just for starters. There may be another 5 armies of various sizes and similar vintage also lurking about the place but that's another story. I made an abortive attempt to kick the Empire project off a while back but it's now time to reboot and the Old World Army Challenge is the perfect vehicle so thanks for having me aboard!

The Garrison of Carroburg
Possibly my favourite regiment of the Warhammer world is the Carroburg greatswords. I'm going to build my 1000 points around them in the form of the city garrison using the 4th Edition army book. This means a general in the form of Duke Leopold von Bildhofen, the Greatswords themselves as the core and a supporting cast of infantry and other troops.

The Army List

  • Duke Leopold (General), mounted on a pegasus (157pts)
  • 24 x Greatswords including command (234 pts)
  • 12 x Swordsmen (108 pts)
  • 12 x Handgunners including command (112 pts)
  • 12 x Halberdiers (84 pts)
  • 5 x Outriders (140 pts)
  • 1 x Steam Tank (200 pts)

Total: 1,035 pts

A tidy little force that should be able to hold it's own although it will be a bit slow on the attack.



  1. Welcome Millsy! I'm ready looking forward to the Steam Tank!

    1. Thanks mate. I'm looking forward to it too! I should leave it til right at the end but I suspect my willpower will fail and it'll get done sooner rather than later.

  2. Great to have you aboard Millsy! Your Fantasy stuff is always inspiring over in the Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge, and I'm hoping you'll deliver some similar inspiration for me here!

    1. Thanks Greg. I really enjoy the fantasy stuff as you've pointed out. Hopefully my efforts here are good enough not to let the side down. There's some wonderful talent on the list!

  3. Glad to see there are a few Empire forces planned for this. Good to see your choice of region Millsy. Think Carroburg, think greatswords but it'll be nice to see the other units decked out in the same colours. Great to see a steam tank in the mix too mate!

    1. Cheers Ed. I was thinking the same thing regards other units in Carroburg colours.

  4. Welcome aboard Millsy. That's a great looking army. Funny, I think 1992 is when I stopped playing.

    1. Whoops, I meant 1982! Fixed now. Thanks Sean, really looking forward to this...

  5. Great post to get the ball rolling! Carroburg is a classy choice, I don’t think that I’ve seen an army in that scheme even online. Happy to see a steamtank too. I had a chance to pick up a metal one at a show on a trip back to the UK. And it wasn’t that much. Regret not snapping it up now.


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