Monday, October 30, 2017

Whitehorn's grey horde

My earliest memory of Warhammer - my first army - was Undead. I got my first blister pack of Marauder Skeletons in 1989 and nothing has really changed. I've played lots of other armies for lots of other games, but my heart has always belonged to the cold, unrelenting dead.

As such, I have a lot of undead in various states of painted, half painted and sat in a box. Rather than start a new army, I'm painting an armylist woth of models using those that have yet to receive any paint.

My unpainted 1,000 points "army" looks like this:

For my challenge I haven't got a intended ruleset in mind as I don't play 3rd or 4th edition anymore. Instead, I am painting classic models from this era and so I decided to try and build to both systems for the fun of it. A lot of the units line-up well on points but some sit at extremes, such as mummies.

What I do play is Kings of War, so I'm tallying up the points for that also and am slotting the models into movement trays to field as an Undead army for KoW. All in all that sounds like a lot of paper work, but it was fairly straight forward to put together in a spreadsheet.

1000 doesn't go very far when you want some mummies! So I had to get creative to balance this for 3rd and 4th edition army lists. The first points listed in brackets is 3rd edition, followed by 4th.

5 Death riders with lances, light armour (125 / 130 pts)

15 Zombies (60 pts)

20 Skeletons, spears & shields (240 / 200 pts)

3 carrion (135 pts)

4/5 mummies (320 / 225 pts)

3 giant bats (6 pts) (using as Carrion in 4th so 135 pts)

Necromancer (60 / 68 pts)

Liche (90 pts) (using as second Necromancer in 4th so 68 pts)

This comes to 1036 in 3rd, 1021 in 4th (and 870 in KoW!).

We're not allowed to paint anything yet, so I'll leave you with something previously painted that will be monitoring the growth of the new contingent. Also a hint at how I'm going to paint (but not base!) the above.

~ Ross 'Whitehorn'


  1. I like those skellies with spear very much! I am looking forward to see them painted

  2. Cool. I was going to do undead, but switched to Bretonnia to fill a gap in the challenge. I'll be watching the undead challengers with particular interest.

  3. I'm here to see the Mummies! We don't see enough of them painted

  4. I'll second Iannick regards the mummies. Love em and can't wait to see yours!


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