Monday, November 6, 2017

Arjen's Geitmans Plaagrotters from The Netherlands of the Chaos Wastes

My Warhammer interest was triggered again, a few years ago, when I bought a big lot of AD&D books which included several old Citadel models and a unit of Hobgoblins. As I had less time to play D&D because of small kids, collecting and painting minis was the perfect answer, games could be months in between but I could still "hobby" a bit every day after the kids were asleep. O&G where my first collection, but I snapped up every old chaos model in the process, chaos would be my "project 2".

Game-wise I found it hard to find other oldhammer players and didn't want to invest in the new warhammer rules. I game mastered 3 games of the Blood bath at Orcs Rift with my minis but that was it (awesome as it was)!. I did find a game that allowed me to pit my models agains other newhammer, historical, warmahordes and SAGA minis: Lion Rampant (later Dragon Rampant). That's when I started to paint some of my chaos minis:

This unit I painted and some warriors and beastmen I bought (badly) painted where my first game with citadel(/marauder) chaos minis. A continental move from the Netherlands to the US put everything in ice (and in storage again). As a true addict the scouring of ebay and old-stock at game/comic stores kept adding to the lead pile.

Luckily this challenge and a find of pre-slotta broo coinsided as a perfect storm. No more excuses! So I assembled a nice mix of models to bring:"Geitmans Plaagrotters" to the painting table:

The force (organised as painting months):

14 thugs+shield and chaos warrior = 126+74=200,
14 thugs with bow +troll = 140+65=205
13 beastmen (+standard) +beastman hero lvl 5 = 140+60=200,
13 beastmen + beastman shaman lvl 5 = 130+110= 240,
6 Chaos marauders=234


In the end the chaos warrior will join his marauder frienemies as the main shock unit.

The pictures:

(Tom Meier FTT1) Troll and unit of melee thugs, these are mostly barbarians, celtic and norse with some odd models like a Perry orc (unlucky human mutation?) and a skeleton (invisible skin mutation):

The Chaos Warrior and Marauders (Chaos brothers!):

Unit of missile thugs, mix of Marauder archer thugs, plastic Battle Master chaos thugs, some Bondi norse archers, Perry orc archer (brother of the one in the other thug unit), Melnibonean archer, a lost-in-time-and-space RT adventurer and the Nurgle champion with axe-musket:

Beastman unit with shields and shaman "Geitmans", broo, preslotta beastman, nurgle beastmen and a "night horror" ape.

Beastmen unit with two handed weapons and champion, broo, winged beastman, ponyboy, standard bearer and two headed broo.

I'm still debating which unit to start this month. I still have to finish a commission for a friend (Guinness is already paid) who wants his unicorn riding paladin painted in a way inspired by Lisa Frank :) .


  1. Replies
    1. Having finally read the Armies book I found that Thugs can have heavy armor too! For my next project I'll add a unit of Marauder and Chaos Warrior models masquerading as heavily armored Thugs! And a unit of heavily armoured thugs on horseback.

  2. Some great models in there. I love the bone armor guy. Looking forward to the Broo in particular.


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