Monday, November 6, 2017

Tom's Nurgle Army

Stinkfoot chaos sorcerer of Nurgle

Chaos marauders

20 beastmen with lvl 10 hero musician and soon to be built standard 

Chaos dwarf allies with lvl 15 hero and bazooka crew

Pointy hooded cultists are a must have to go with the war altar. I still have lots of work to do on the altar itself. It will have the plague chalice atop the carriage and will be drawn by a putrid two headed cow

WIP war altar


  1. So much good stuff in here. Slaaaammbooo! I also love the guy with the chainmail veil and Chaos symbol axe. Marauder sculpt I think. I named mine Moebius Sphincter. That war altar is going to be off the hook. Two headed cow, tentacles? I'm in.

  2. Nice force and I think, even though we are both painting a Nurgle army, we don't have any mini in common here.

    1. You may be right. You have some real gems in your army

  3. super sexy force there! looking forward to this one as well!


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