Friday, November 3, 2017

Chris Lopez's Dark Elf Army

My Dark Elf army is the greatest force for evil in the southwestern Virginia region.

When I was invited to participate in this challenge I thought it would be a great way to finally finish up my Marauder Dark Elf army. I already have a force of about 1500 points painted up, but have been dragging my feet on getting the rest of the army finished up.

Without further ado, here is my 1000 point list

15 Warriors and Deathcap Hero with 2 handed weapons
10 Shadows with repeater crossbows
10 Shadows with repeater crossbows
5 Helldrakes with Hand Weapon, Light Armor, Shield
4x Repeater Bolt Thrower

As you can see, its very heavy on the missile weapons because my existing painted force consists of 20 Warriors, 20 Witch Elves, 5 Helldrakes, and 10 Crossbows. I really wanted to pump up the missile fire with this project to support my fragile infantry.

For the first month I will be painting up the first ten warrior regiment. See you guys on the other side!


  1. Looking forward to seeing what you do with these. Personally I love the first lot of dark elves marauder put out in the late 80s and I collected most of them earlier this year as I want to paint them up.

  2. Very cool. I think rounding out an existing army a great way to use this challenge. Your current Dark Elves are beautiful, so I expect these to be just the same.

  3. Excellent, pinks and purples aplenty I bet!

  4. Hey there, Chris. Where in southwest Virginia are you? I grew up in Marion. Pre-Warhammer, but I cut my miniatures teeth on loads of role-playing games. If there's a store in the area, maybe we can get a game of Warhammer
    going one of these days.


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