Thursday, November 30, 2017

Bens High Elf Warhost -- November 216 Pts

Hello everyone I have completed the November effort for my High Elf army. I managed to paint 16 figures this month, a significant portion of my rank and file troops knocked out in the first month. The grand total so far is 216 points.

8 Warrior Kindred with heavy armor and double handed weapons
13 points each for a total of 104

8 Guard(+1 Shock) with heavy armor and halberds
14 points each for a total or 112

Decembers project will include more of the same as well as command figures for both units and a musician and standard bearer for the Guard unit. Thanks for looking and keep up the great work everyone.


  1. Great looking units, they really pop.

  2. I love that purple! That's a great base for an army, really cool start

  3. Really well done! I always liked those swordmasters! (Btw, Inshuold have a unit of them somewhere...)

  4. I love the color scheme. Nice work.


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