Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Sean's Undead - Army on Parade

After Rakarth Couer D'Glace and Vasken Noir had defeated the forces of Monfel, they rushed to the gates of Chateau du Crane de la Tombe. First touching the tips of the swords of power together, they then rammed the ensorcelled  blades into the gaping keyhole. The mountain upon which the edifice stood began to shake and groan as the gates slowly lifted. A voice, like a thousand bones breaking, came out of the depths. “Iiiii haaaave thhhe pppowweerrrr!” A sickly green glow burst forth and strange apparitions of the long dead streamed past the stunned champions. In shock from the wonderous display, Rakarth and Vasken stood there as powerful Necromantic magics spread across the lands, raising the dead.

One such person was an ancient tyrant, the wizard king Zazad the Eternal. Buried and forgotten for more than 1000 years, he has been reawakened in Liche form to once again put the people of the lands under is boney foot.

So here is the force for the challenge arrayed. Sorry in advance for the bad pictures. I was in a rush with low light and a lot of contrast.

Perhaps first we should start with the list.

As usual I used Army Builder to do the heavy lifting for me. I think this may be my 3rd iteration of the list. I had really wanted a Vampire General, but at 330 points for a Level 5 Vampire, the cost was prohibitive for a 1000 point army.

I felt like I had to have a unit of classic Skeleton Regiment Spearmen in my force. I bought these guys with the metal command conversion bits and metal coffin lid shields.  The metal bits make the plastic figures a little unsteady. I was disappointed to learn that I can have only one  spear armed unit in the army. Seems dumb.

Then I saw I needed a unit of Grim Reapers. I already had the Reaper Grim Reaper and lucked into a unit of Grave Guard that I will proxy as Grim Reapers. As you can see here, they came partially painted. So I'll have to strip and re-prime them.

Sorry, this photo is really bad. 3 "man" Skull chucker. I snapped up a complete one for the challenge. I have another that is missing the leader and the skull pile. I will be basing the catapult on a 50mm square after I paint it.

Out of order from the list here. I have the 5 death riders and the Liche, mounted on an undead horse. He is from the Triumph of Death range made by Skull & Crown. I intend to try my hand at magnetizing him so i can swap out the Scythe and Hourglass arms. I also need to repair his head, I somehow snapped it off.

These Zombies are the whole reason I'mm doing an undead army. I won them from Steve O a few years ago, built and primed them, and then there they have sat. They're kind of cooky, but them zombies have always had a comical element to them.

I will use these Triumph of Death guys with giant arrows as my Skeleton Archers. I had intended to use more of this line in my army last year, but then I stumbled upon a few proper GW bits and couldn't resist having them in this Challenge. I hope to work more of the ToD figures into this army in the future.

And last, but not least, Brian Kirkell's Upstream Games House Zombie Cart to proxy as a Plague Cart. I have all the Zombies of Karkeel, but haven't gotten around to painting them yet. I was trying to let the memory of Andrew Dyer's fantastic paint jobs fade in my memory. I also have a terribly short attention span and moved on to other things. Again, I will  expand the force with those.

So there you have it 1007 points. I probably won't add to this as my "extra" painting will go to other non challenge related  projects.

Thanks for looking.


  1. Some great looking figures there.

    1. Thanks Xin, it's been fun looking for some of the older stuff and I have a bunch more Reaper and ToD stuff I want to roll out at some point.

  2. I contemplated doing Undead for this challenge and was going to use the Karkeel zombies & cart. Looking forward to seeing yours painted up.

    1. Thanks Richard, I was bummed that I couldn't use all my Karkeel figures. 1000 points forces me to make choices.

  3. Nice army! Heads up- the Karkeel cart is very intricate- halfway thru the horse now, leaving just the 2 riders, but I have been puttering with it for months, you may want to start your puttering month 1!

  4. Some lovely lead there. I have some of the same models in my Lichemaster army. Keen to see what you do with yours!

    1. Thanks Millsy, hopefully I can do them justice.


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