Sunday, December 23, 2018

Tom's Dwarfs

I have, maybe foolishly, signed up for the Old World Army Challenge, which I'm approaching with a mix of proper excitement and quite a bit of trepidation...
I have quite a large collection of old GW models - High Elf, Dwarf and Orcs and Goblins and there was a lot of umming and ahhhing over which to army pick - the O&G are a favourite, but I pumped for the short fellas instead.
I have to admit, that their high points value was a factor :)

These models are of the type I remember as a kid, except the preslotta ones. Thankfully I'm not thhhaaaat old- they just look very cool and I wanted to include them :)
Also I think the imperial dwarf is best dwarf, so they are my warriors. The two units are armed differently so I could change what they represent without too much trouble (ie: the guys with swords are longbeards, or the guys with axes are ironbreakers, etc)

I love the slayers also, and they'll probably be the first unit I put paint on, although I am tempted to get the least liked models done first, whilst motivation is high.
However, I can't be thinking too much about it so I think I'll just wait and see what takes my fancy nearer the time...

Anyway, here's a quick army draft:


160...…….Dwarf General x1
176...…….Warriors inc standard x15
176...…….Warriors inc standard x15
143......…..Warriors inc standard x12
110...……..Slayers x10
130...…….Thunderers x8
130...…….Crossbows x8
74...……...Stone Thrower
54...………Bolt Thrower

1109...……..Points Total

You can see that I've gone for minimal point spend (no points for champions/battle standard/musicians), but I have counted the unit standards as they will require extra work. I've also gone over the required 1000points. This is because I got carried away...

As a kid, I remember cutting out the paper banners in White Dwarf, or the relevant Army Book and gluing those on, but I'll try and muster up a classic tomato paste tube banner!

I've also taken some leeway with model representation - for example, the Bugman's I've just counted as regular warriors, although I think if I was to use them in a game I'd count them as crossbowmen.

I've also had to sift through and find some suitable crewmen for the Goblobber, as they are some pricy models! Aaaand, I don't know whether I'll still have high enough motivation a few months down the line, but I also I have a back up unit to paint (which would bring the total to 1285) . I'll leave that as a teaser/surprise if and when it comes down to it...

Colour scheme will most likely be the classic Wayne England blue and white, although I was briefly tempted by yellow and green. Either way, the whole force'll be painted the same uniform so that I can join the imperials together into a 30 strong unit without them looking incoherent. I've nothing but admiration and respect for those brush warriors that can paint each dwarf in a slightly different scheme. I love the look of that end result, but I have found that if I try painting like that I'm just too darn slow! Batch painting of about 5-8 models all the same colours kinda suits me fine.

These models have all been sourced from various facebook trading pages, swaps, and the inevitable eBay, and I've tried my best not to pay too much for them... Anyway, over the course of a couple of years or so, my dwarf buying has run it's course and now is the time to try and complete painting it all!



  1. Great selection of models you’ve selected for the Challenge.

  2. Excellent. Looking forward seeing them painted :)

  3. Looking forward to seeing that force grow! FWIW I'm partial to yellow and green

  4. Great to have you here Tom. Blue and White is a fine choice and batch painting is encouraged for this. I'm excited for this army.

  5. Nice. One od my first two full armies (I did one good, one evil) was dwarfs. I agree, imperial dwarfs are the best. Looking forward to seeing them painted.

  6. Yes guys, thanks vey much for the support!

  7. Classic blue and white works very well for dwarfs and there are lots of shades of blue to choose from. Looking forward to seeing this whatever colour choice you make!


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