Sunday, January 20, 2019

Sybou's Undeads first part! (200pts)

Hello everyone,

here is my first 200 pts for my army of undeads.

My choice for january was:
  • 10 skeletons with shield (110 pts),
  • 2 carrions (90 pts)
I added a ghoul and a skeleton because i used them as test subjects.

 Pic 1 - Familly photo for now

In the end, the skeletons will be 35 with a command group but for now here are the first eleven of them. They were the Duc of Keltalas'men and soldiers. Most of them died defending the land of their former master.
The herald of the Duc was a white swan, the undeads still wear the black and yellow uniform and the bird on their shield.
I always thought it was strange that zombies and skeletons got shields with skulls and bats like if the necromancer or the vampire hired people to make evil shields and banners.


I tried to make them look like vultures with the red/ pink parts on their heads and necks. The little spirits got yellow clothes and grey skin. They look like little Ashtur helpers. In the end they will be 4 of them.

Ghoul test subject

For the challenge I chose my unit of 30 ghouls, they will be done around april and may according to my plan. For the skin, I tried to do the same as the Garden of Hecate's blog. Which is a cool blog with lots of creativity. I got hooked by the skin colors on ghouls and tried to recreate it. It didn't go as well as i had hoped but I'm cool with it, so I'll stick to it for the 29 others. 

February wave

Here is what's planned for february, you don't change a winning team so I might be boring but it will be more skeletons and 2 carrions. This will make finish the birds unit and make a good progress on the skeletons which is my BIG unit.

My plan for the following months will be ideally: 
  • For March, I'll do 13 skeletons and the skeleton champion.
  • For April, 13 ghouls and the corpse cart.
  • For May, 16 ghouls and the necromancer.
  • For June, I might do a bonus unit of 10 zombies Just in case of summoning.

That's all for me, I hope you enjoyed reading my post and I can't wait what the others did for their first month.
Enjoy and take care, until next time.



  1. Nice work. I also appreciate your planned approach to the challenge.

  2. The vulture carrions are really great! I love how they look!

  3. Nice start to the challenge, I really like the Carrions!

  4. Thanks everyone. Getting myself spiritually ready for month 2, also called ... the short month.

  5. Very smart. Grey ghouls always look better. I remember getting funny looks when I painted mine grey.............22 years ago. WD had them all green and yellow! Haha

  6. Great painting, I love the shields.

  7. yellow carrion riders are really cool

  8. Very nice Carrion, ghoul and skeletons. I like that you painted the Carrion as actual vultures. I have also always wondered about the heraldry of the undead. You plan looks pretty solid.

  9. Wonderful brushwork! Love the ghoul. I'm also a big fan of Gardens or Hecate so I can totally appreciate the inspiration.

  10. Carrions are great (always liked those models)! Nice job!


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