Friday, February 1, 2019

From SeanS - Undead Army of Zazad the Eternal (201pts)

Hi All,

As usual I somehow managed to not manage my time very well and come in way too close to the deadline. A few things came up at the end of the month that I didn't anticipate and it threw me off.

Any way we have a unit of 5 Death Riders - shield, hand weapon - 105 points

Skull Chucker  with 3 man crew - 60 points

3 of the 20 skeleton warriors - shield, hand weapon, spear - 36 points. As you can see the one figure is the champion guy. I put him in because I had the parts to make him from the command pack.

I think overall they look ok. The riders and artillery were black under coat and brushed up with a bone triad. The skeleton spearmen were done with a white undercoat, a mix of yellow and brown ink and then brushed up with a bone triad. I think I like them better. As always I covered everything in my grunge wash to help tone things down.

I'll have to leave the semi shiny "matte" varnish for now and finish the base flocking later.

I'll try to be ahead of the game for February.


  1. Woohoo! Now I can post pictures of actual completed models for Paint Table Saturday!

  2. looking good, Sean. Love the gritty, earthy feel (I always thought the ‘polished bone’ look from GW looks ridiculous)

    1. Thanks Anthony. It took awhile to convince myself that I wasn't on the wrong track. The skeleton warriors use the painting method from WD 142. The yellow and brown ink give the skeletons that look of blood and meat residue dried on bone, if you've ever come across random bones left out by a predator.

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks airborne. I did listen to your advice and tried to keep it simple.

  4. Most beautiful figures, love the Skull Chucker...

  5. Nice work Sean, I also like the style of the skellies, which I prefer to the "white" look. The wooden shields are very well done, too.

  6. Yeah these look the business...WEll done

  7. Great work! I am planning a small skeleton force and will take in mind your recipe for bones ;-)


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