Thursday, March 28, 2019

Lissanne's Chaos Demons- Mother and child reunion (244 pts)

Originally, I had no dragon ogres when I planned to do demons.  But in November, Blue gave me one for a song, and at Xmas, I got a scorpion person for a gift, who I promptly dubbed Milton.  In the spirit of painting presents I decided to do both for the challenge. Here is unopened Milton, who wasn't in the original silver post.

I didn't want to do a quick shabby job on either of these, or any of this army for that matter, and I especially wanted to do the Oldhammer dragon ogre up well, since it was love at first sight with the model.  I named her Magnolia.  I actually spent most of the month on that figure, and hope it shows!

On Magnolia, I created both a pattern of scales and fur hide armor, and used some NMM flat painting tricks to create a fancy axes on both dragon ogres where there were plain flat blades.  There was a small mystery area on the back of Magnolia which wasn't well cast, so I added a couple of spines, plus it came with no left hand, so it got one, and a nice shield also.  The shield was another present this one from Oldhammer in the New World for entering a painting comp.  Since it was large and looked like it had the Lammasu face of my Ignatz, it was perfect!

  Echo, a 2nd Lewdfang model. I was not thrilled about painting another snake head demonette that can't be manga-fied at all, but I ended up thinking up a fluff story to make her fit.  Not all the demonettes have a humanish face, but my 2nd this month does, being another Fiendthrob and I dubbed her Miriam Nova as I based her on the anime character Milim Nava.

  On to the fluff:

  Let us depart for a moment from our regularly scheduled post full of depravity, and focus on a doting mother and her growing child

First, I will present the beautiful Magnolia, beloved of Ignatz.  She has a such a winning smile, and is visibly favored by Slaanesh, who graced her body with vivid colors in addition to monstrous fertility.  She carries a shield bearing the image of her Ignatz and slays everything in his name.

Next, on to the lovely child of Magnolia and Ignatz, Milton, who is a bundle of energy.  He has his mother's spines and his father's tail, and counts as another Dragon Ogre.  Who is going to argue with him and tell him otherwise?

Now we return to our regularly scheduled depravity.

2 demonettes- more Cheerleaders of Chaos!
   Miriam Nova tries to look extra cute to cover the fact that when Slaanesh was passing out breasts she didn't get any.  So she wears a padded shirt and pretends.  Always hungry, she has a tendency to eat her playmates too early and then look for more.  Watch out- you may be next!

Echo-  Snaketongue was gifted an unusual ability by Slaanesh.  When she is about to enter combat, a shadowy blue duplicate of her fights independently with her and the others in her unit, and disappears when the battle is over.   The demonettes are always alerted for an upcoming battle by the appearance of Echo, as they call her.  Very useful!

So, this month:  2 Dragon Ogres (87 pts each) and 2 Demonettes (35 pts each) for a total of 244 pts.  And the Demonettes are now a unit of 5 and fieldable.
   Next month I am planning to finish the my 3 half finished chaos spawn (which I was dabbing at this month) , maybe do some demonettes and definitely work on Ignatz.

So here is the obligatory pic of this army as it stands now, at the halfway point


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Your creations are always very unique Lissanne. I really like the colour schemes you come up with too. Awesome!

  3. The dragon ogre is great. Not only the model but it was executed very well. The rest look great too. Looking forward to seeing the finished army.

  4. Thank you! It was a hard model, but fun to paint. I am looking forward to doing the lammasu for my demon lord too! Barely have started on him!

  5. Love the pattern on the Dragon Ogre! And that Yellow shield is a fantastic touch. ;)

  6. I just love the colors on the ogre. Fantastic

  7. Another fan of the colours used! The ogre is lovely, and I think the scorpion colours are prefect too. The Echo model is my favourite though :)
    Looking forward to seeing the Llamasu!

  8. More excellent paint work! Love the color scheme on all figs.

  9. Still like the way you've continued to turn up the volume on the daemonettes. Magnolia and Milton are brilliant! I really like the patterns on Magnolia, and the colors & gradients on Milton. I think the RoC books are still among the best things published by GW, and I think that what you've been doing is an excellent example of what they're meant to inspire.

  10. The pattern on the dragon ogre is fantastic, it really complements such a classic sculpt!

  11. Brilliant work, as usual! The dragon ogre is fantastic, I like particularly the skin pattern and the shields. Overall, it seems that the army is looking awesome!

  12. Thank you everyone for you compliments! I will do my best to keep up the good work!

  13. Very chaotic contribution this month. The painting on the dragon ogre looks amazing!

  14. I really like the color of the dragon ogre scale. This big guy is a must have for all RoC fans. A cool month.

  15. Brilliantly bizarre as ever! Love the 'Echo' backstory for having two of the same sculpt in the unit :D

  16. Fantastic work on both Dragon Ogres, I love Reaper figures. The deamonettes are good fun. Looking forward to the next figures.


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