Sunday, March 31, 2019

Sybou's undeads ... Not dead yet! (220 points)

Hello everyone,

that's it, I made it! The month of March was realy hard to finish. I had a big rush at the beginning but the final touches were long to finish.

Anyway I did it, I m still in the challenge.

For this month, I made what was planned, 13 skeletons and a skeleton/ Wight King.

The month of March

So here there are. All gathered in one picture.

The command group and specialists

It s always good to have some proper specialists in the squad. The cloaked one with skull bomb is really fun. The skeletons range was full of crazy guys like the one holding is head, it s to see farer I guess. The bowman is from Marauder line, these guys are generally bulkier.
Like Iannick did for his banner, I stayed with a two colors banner, no icon or symbol there.

The last warriors

Only two shields amongst them. A beastman skeleton from Ra Partha and a couple of marauder guys.
That makes my skeletons unit finished for the challenge. Yeeaaahhh!!!

Unfortunately, I made the pictures in my appartment and the rest of the skellies are at my parents' home, so I don't have a complete unit photo.

The Wight King

Straight from the Night Horror Range, this guy is scary as hell. It was really cool to paint and I gave him the usual resin base from Scibor.

The Month of April

The Necromancer is here, cortesy of Tom Young. And the start of the ghouls unit, 16! This is going to be a hard month, I'm telling you.

To finish, here is a bonus unit:


These guys are really fun to paint, they're a mix of dead man of Dunharrow, citadel and Morley's zombies. I got a unit of 50 so here are 10, a good start.

Bbrraaaiiinnns ....

To conclude this post, I d like to thank Sean who adviced me on using snapseed. I think my photos are better now, less dark. I use the filter named "morning" which is cool.

I hope you enjoyed my post, for March I did 220 pts, which is a total of 640 pts.
Now lets get ready for April.


  1. Some really fun figs in that batch - well done!

  2. Great painting on great sculpts! I really like the skeleton unit

  3. Awesome stuff, your army really is coming along. The wight king is so cool

  4. That standard bearer is one of my favorite minis! Great work!

  5. Great choice in miniatures. My personal favorite is the skeleton throwing the bomb.

  6. I dig these old skeletons- great job painting them!

  7. Nice work on a bunch of classic minis!

  8. Lovely mix of sculpts here and a really characterful and well curated army in the making :)

  9. I'm glad you liked snapseed, it's a really quick way to improve your cell phone photos. Great job on the skeletons, I really like that wight king. I've never seen those zombies before, they look good. Looking forward to the next unit.


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