Monday, April 15, 2019

Sean's Undead - Zombies and Skeleton Archers (208 points)

Hi All,

Well those figures I just couldn't seem to finish in March are seeing the light of day in April. I hope they were worth the wait.

A total of 30 figures. 10 Skeletons and 20 Zombies.

The Skeleton archers (120 points) are from Skull and Crown Miniatures Triumph of Death. I had a hell of a time getting the giant arrows to stay solidly glued into their hands. I painted them separately and then glued them in, that may have been my mistake.

Next are the multipart plastic zombies everybody loves to hate or hates to love. There may be more than one way to rank them up correctly, this is not one of them. Zombies come in at a whopping 4 points per model, so these 20 with the Standard Bearer and Musician come in at only 88 points. Although these models were also a pain I am glad to have this instantly recognizable GW unit in my army.

To finish of the post I'd like to give a closeup of the banner bearer and his banner. I didn't pull it off 100%, but I am fairly pleased with the end result. I have a cheat, which of course actually involves a lot of extra work, to make banners like this. I'll probably do a tutorial on my blog.

Thanks for looking, and points to you if you recognize the face in the banner. I thought it was fairly obvious, but I'm a dork.


  1. that is a lot of nice figures! No wonder you had trouble finishing! And a lovely banner too!

  2. Amazing! Love the skeletons with feathery hats on :)

    1. Thank you epicsatsuma. Triumph of Death has a lot of cool renaissance detail in the figures.

  3. That is a great banner, and the Zombies look awesome! I can't figure out the face though...and usually I'm such a geek

    1. Thanks Iannick, maybe it's not as obvious as I think it is. It's "tarman" from Return of the living Dead. The banner reads MORE BRAINS!

  4. Those skeletons look really cool. Great work on both units.

  5. Congrats on a productive month! :)

  6. Great paint job and an amazing banner! Bravo!


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