Sunday, June 30, 2019

Lissanne's Chaos Demons- A closing cheer! (105 pts)

And a little something for my last month- three more demonettes.  Each one takes me so much thought that three is really all I've ever managed in a month.  It leaves me the last two of this set of 10 to finish on my own, not too bad.  I went over 1000 pts last month, but wanted to try to finish this squad, anyway.  Almost!

Two of these demonettes are based on Rem and Ram from the anime Re: Zero.  Ram started life as the Demonette Heartvex, and is the Red Ogre Ram.
And Rem is the lovely unnamed 'Miss 13' from the second casting, as the Blue Ogre Rem.


The third demonette is Warptongue, done strictly to the Slave of Darkness color description to see if I could.  The book just arrived recently (long story). White skin and hair, luminous green eyes, pastel tattoos, and bright pastels.  Sort of works, but I much prefer the others.  She blends in well enough though.
The SoD description is rather too lawful for me, one right breast and all the same, when there are so many colors to choose from!  (not to mention body parts to choose from!)  The writers certainly needed to up their chaos game!  SoD turns out to be so tame.  And I don't think pastel tattoos work, but it sure sounds good in the book.
Not to mention I was busy with work (again) and distracted this month painting things like a group of 10 'Beastmen' with musician, (1/2 size killer rabbits LOL! alas, they don't fit in the army, except figuritively ie f*** like bunnies) and fiddling with homemade 'Kontrazt' paints which works like gangbusters!
The Killer Rabbits!

Final Fluff:
Ram and Rem, the Red Ogre and the Blue Ogre.  Immensely strong sisters who are fight together, they are always there when things get too much to handle. And the last sister, Warptongue was adopted from another group of demonettes of which she was the only survivor.

3 Demonettes (35pts) 105pts

For the record- Ignatz's family gets their names from the family of Ignatz the mouse from Krazy Kat, his wife Magnolia, and his kids Milton, Marshall and Irving.  Maybe Marshall and Irving will show up in some later challenge. 'Ignatz the Handful' comes from an old obscure Dennis the Menace strip, where Dennis asked his mother his zodiac sign, and she said 'Ignatz the Handful'  It just stuck for our D&D demon.

Two successful OWACs for me with no mulligan month. Happy to have the challenge behind me!


  1. Ace work Lissane - I think your take on the Anime Daemonettes have been really well executed.

    Ignatz the Handful sounds so delightfully understated yet menacing when applied to a giant quadrupedal daemon ;)

    1. Thank you! I think Anime Demonettes give the figs that attractive element they are described as having. The figs are plenty monstrous, but needed an appealing quality. Warptongue was the most attractive sculpt, which is why I tried the SoD treatment on her.

  2. Ahh - look at the bunnies!
    Ace work, your army colour choices have been great. Really looking forward to the group shot!

  3. that "beastmean" unit is top! nice work and a great end of challenge!

  4. I think you did a nice attempt at the "canon" version of the daemonettes, I agree that you captured the real spirit of them in your more personalized take on the painting, conversions, etc. Maybe the over-the-top version would have been too much, even for a book about fantasy daemons with a warning label on the front? :)

    This is my favorite take on a Slannesh legion. I'm also jealous of the rabbits -- I need to get some of those for myself.

  5. Thanks Everyone! The bunnies were a present from a friend, Drew Day Williams sculpts from a kickstarter. Incredibly easy to paint too!


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