Monday, June 3, 2019

Trouble on Eight Legs: Dustin's May Goblins (199 points)

The penultimate month draws to a close, and I've broken the thousand-point mark on my army! Part of this involved painting my army general, one of the classic Marauder MM35 Gigantic Spider Riders.

Night Goblin Warlord with Light Armor and Shield, riding a Gigantic Spider -- 103 points
2 Night Goblin Big Bosses with Light Armor and Shield -- 72 points
2 Standard Bearers and Musicians for Stikka Mobs -- 24 points

The Warlord on his White Spider.

From another angle.

The spider rider is a mini that I picked up just prior to the challenge, having wanted one since I first read "The Battle of Iron Peak" in the 4th edition army book, where he was "Gorblum the Magnificent." I read that battle report countless times as a yoof, and now I've assembled a similar warband years later. The big bosses and command elements are part of my plan to rearrange my stikkas based on my experience fighting Blue's dwarfs at Cold Wars. That weekend, I had been using small units for harassment purposes and delivering the odd fanatic, but the only thing that could keep them going in combat was their hatred for their stunted foes. Since then, I've decided to group my stikkas into two larger, 21-strong units, each containing a standard bearer and musician, and led by a big boss. I figure the additional bonuses to combat resolution and leadership (as well as the fighting ability of the big bosses) will make them a bit more respectable on the battlefield (for a bunch of poxy gobbos, anyway).

See you in June for the thrilling conclusion!!


  1. Hooray! Breaking 1000pts with goblins is quite an achievement! And they look great!

  2. Love some cheques - well worth it. Lovely!

  3. Great work, Dustin. I especially like the white spider

  4. I love the 'classic' look of the Marauder Gigantic Spider riders and agree that the white fur on this one looks great. Hats off to anyone who completes the challenge with Gobbos! :D

  5. Very nice job! The mounted spider is a great addition to the army force


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