Sunday, January 26, 2020

Andrea's High Elf General and Repeater Bolt Thrower (213 pts)

Hi folks,
so here is a quick and easy start for OWAC3, like a sort of warm up (still, two miniatures more than my OWAC2 first month!)!

Let me introduce the army General (163 pts) and a Repeater Bolt Thrower (50 pts), for a total of 213 points.

I always found the first month very important for the whole challenge as the choice of colors palette start here and had to be maintined throughout the work. I was considering replicating the colors of the army book, with limited use of metallic paints and many bright pastel(ish) colors, but this is not clearly my coloring style. Therefore, I opted for a more personal coloring style but still recalling the bright tones of the past.

The general is a 6th (or even 7th, perhaps) edition miniature, still in metal. I have a lot of these recent High Elf characters and I had to say that they do not perfectly fit my taste; however, this is one of the my favourite. High Elf heroes are noble, rich kids so I thought to a general clad in a burnished gold and mithril armour full of gems. The fiery colors remind to the phoenix on the helmet, and definitely characterize the general as an emissary of the Phoenix temple sent to lead a Sword Masters-based contingent into a secret mission. And it is such a secret mission that I don't even know what it is!

Though, the presence of Repeater Bolt Throwers makes this secret mission something a little more complex than, for example, a "behind the enemy lines" mission! Here is the first out two Bolt Throwers. Much of the gunners' colouring scheme is inspired by the old army book, although revisited as said before.

While taking photographs for the post, I took the occasion to show you part of a hill I have made for a terrain project I am pursuing since a while. As the challenge goes on, I should be able to add more new terrain features; of course, only old style stuff!

Well, I hope you will enjoy my start!

Ciao, A.


  1. Lovely firey color scheme, and a great start!

  2. A good start! I like the gold & autumn-like colors that contrast with the white & blue. I also like that there's a bit of those warm colors found in the basing material. The whole scene -- miniatures & terrain -- looks good together.

  3. Nice choice of colour palette and a great start to the challenge!

  4. Congfats on avoiding the ultra classic white and blue colour scheme! I like the warmer colour choice

  5. Bloody love that general! Really nice job on a cracking miniature. Looking forwards to seeing more

  6. I really like the way the bases came out. It looks great with the high elves.

  7. I spend my teenage years playing a regular opponent who loved bolt throwers and the curse of arrow attraction. Just the sight of your bolt thrower makes me realise I haven't let go of the pain yet.

    1. As is only correct if you dared stand against their glorious might and fabulous hair! ;p

    2. Seriously though, as an HE player myself I know it is not cool to be spamming people with Bolt Throwers, that's no fun, and definitely not at 50 pts each!

  8. Good looking Elves! Looking forward to seeing more.

  9. Lovely work mate - completely agree with you about the importance of month one and choosing the colour palette you are going to be mostly working with, and you really have managed to evoke the Army book scheme without replicating it.

  10. Beautifully classic and clean. That bright white is gorgeous- can't wait to see the army grow


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