Monday, February 3, 2020

Ratwig's OWAC III Post 1: Seventeen Witch Elves (317 Points)

My first submission for OWAC III are seventeen Witch Elves, three more for the unit I painted in OWAC I to bring it up to fifteen total, and a new unit of fourteen who have additional hand weapons, poisoned attacks and are equipped with crossbows. Poisonous crossbows with strength 5 attacks, should be good for pest removal. They cost 231 points.

The new WE unit is led by a level 5 character, Ksha' Mit, who comes in at 54 points total.

The other three Witch Elves are equipped with additional hand weapons and poisonous attacks and bring the total for the first WE unit from twelve to fifteen giving them just a bit more durability. They add an additional 42 points to that unit.

Hope you enjoy this entry into OWAC III.

There's some Jack around here somewhere, I must prep for next month...

Ratwig out.


  1. The colour scheme is perfect for the miniatures, they look classic.

  2. Nice reds, and I also like the green tinge on the swords :)

  3. Witch elves are cool, and you did well on them! I remember your other ones!

  4. Love the classic minis. You did a great job with them.

  5. Very old school! I love the samurai look of the middle one of the last three :)


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