Thursday, February 27, 2020

ZeroTwentythree's February Wood Elves (294 pts)

Much like January, February's challenge was wrapped up fairly quickly. The core was once again 15 archers. This brings the total up to 30 archers, which is a respectable base on which to build a small wood elf force. Once again I'm working with a dark and drab color palette for the most part. Still working on my new photo lighting, needs some improvement to get accurate colors across in the pics.

I'm not counting in character points for champions, etc. but I'm sure the guy leading this band of archers should probably be worth some extra points. Look at all that armour. And his bird. Probably annoys the hell out of the rest of the elves as they're sneaking through mountains and forests, stalking prey all stealthy-like... then there's that one a-hole clanking around like a scrap truck, bird squawking, banging his giant helmet on the tree branches....

15 Archers - base goal achieved

My stretch goals this month ended up being another bear -- one that fits the size I was looking to match from last year! This one is an old Ral Partha grizzly that is still in production at Iron Wind Metals. I also painted up an old dragonette familiar. It's one of several of the old Citadel familiars I've been meaning to get to. This one seemed to fit with a concept I've got for some other figures that may show up later in the OWAC. Lastly, I painted a tribute figure for our Benevolent Overlord. I can't remember if this was mentioned in this years rules, but I'm following what was done last year. I'm keeping the figure hidden (behind the cork) so it is a surprise when it arrives.

February's Bonus Figures - another bear, wood rider standard, familiar, and....
oooh, what could that be hidden behind the cork?

Bear Family Portrait. I now have two bears of similar scale. A bear pair.
That hits my beast handler goal. I'll figure out a good use for the giant in the back.

February's tally:

15 Archers with shields, incl. standard and musician ...... 204 pts.
1 Wood Rider Standard Bearer ........ 40 pts
1 Bear ....... 25 pts
Familiar ....... 0 pts?
Overlord Tribute ....... 25 pts

January Total: 294 pts

OWAC3 Running Total: 572 pts

February total

I also prepped my tentative core painting goal for March: 10 wardancers.


  1. Your army looks great! And I love this color scheme too!

  2. Looks like you've really hit your stride - quality painting and plenty of it!
    This is shaping up to be a really impressive force. Keep them coming!
    Looking forward to the wardancers next month!

  3. Great colour scheme and wonderful painting.

  4. I really enjoy your elf projects. The colours are muted and realistic, while still being fantasy forest elves. Really good work.

  5. Beautiful looking models and a great paint job to match :)

  6. Love seeing all the bears together! Nice work on your army.

  7. Thank you all for the kind words! I think I'm having even more fun with this year's OWAC than last. :)

  8. Love your wood elves. I know what it is to look for good bears outside but yours look great.

  9. Very nice! Love the color scheme for this army!

  10. The 'dark and drab' is working really well - they look dangerous!

  11. This article answered so many questions I had about this topic. I’m bookmarking it for future reference
    wooden maps of the world


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