Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Andrea's High Elf archers and mage (239 points)

Hi guys, 
here we are after the mullingan month! After the recovery of a small shoulder fracture and a particularly busy working month, I started painting again selecting the bigger units (in term of number of me... ahem, elves): the archer unit. It is a mix of 4th edition plastic monopose and some metal from the same age, while the banner bearer and the musician are of the Lothern Sea Guard from the 5th (or 6th?) edition.

Before painting, I drew the banner. Well, actually, I found the blank banners of High Elves and colored it. Here it is:

I selected the dragon as it is also on the top of the banner pole.
Finally, the unit is accompanied by one of the two mages (a 5th edition one).

So, let me introduce the archer unit and the mage.

 The first rank:
 And the second rank.

And here is the mage. I am particularly happy about the coat (and I had to confess that I never liked this miniature but after seen it painted I am quite satisfied!).

So, summing up all entries: the archer unit is 180 pts and the mage is 59 pts, for a gran total 239 pts.

I hope you'll enjoy this month painting; next month I plan to paint the Sword Masters. Pretty excited about this!

Ciao, Andrea


  1. That banner looks so good. Nice work on tying everything together!

  2. These are great figures, I have plenty of them myself! And they look great, especially the mage!

  3. These look so good en mass. Nice to see them painted.

  4. reminds me of why i got into the hobby. well done

  5. Very nice job! The shading on the mages cloak is great.

  6. Nicely done! Very crisp, bright colours that match the choice of army well. The painting on the mage is really well executed. Can't wait to see the next half of the army!

  7. Nice looking archers and mage! (Especially the mage.) Looking forward to the swordmasters!

  8. These look just like my friend's high elves from back in the day! Nice job.

  9. Loving how this project is evolving :)

  10. Loving this clean, crisp paint job. So elvish it's perfect. Great banner too 👍

  11. Loving these HEs mate - nice and crisp, and the banner really completes the period look. Kudos on the mage, not my fav sculpt either but you've made him look good. Lovely fade on the cloak.


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