Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Joe's Compact Chaos Company - March- Chaos Sorceror (272 points)

I gave myself an easy month in the circumstances- just one figure for me this month,  but still the required points value.

1 Chaos Sorceror: Grumbulligan of Clothpile, level 20 Soulflayer, Mounted on Chaos Steed- 272 points.

The base model is an old Citadel wizard. I'm afraid I don't know which one. I think he used to hold a staff with a hand on the end (?), but he's long been drifting around my bits box without a head on his stick. I replaced his staff with a wire spear, and top it with the plastic ball from a large map pin, which  I lightly 'cooked' over the hob for a second or two to give it texture, so I could paint it as a planet.

The Chaos Steed is a Pendragon 'Axe Beak', a sculpt from the distant past, but available today from Wargames Design Workshop. I added the tail with Milliput.


  1. I love this! It looks like Hieronymus Bosch!

  2. Ah, I love your project. Everytime you paint a new thing, it's the best.

  3. http://www.sodemons.com/rhme/me62saruman/index.htm
    It's the old Citadel Saruman model from their LotR range. :)

    1. so it is! I was worried I was maligning a good wizard by pressing him into the service of Chaos, but seems he was a wrong'un all along!

  4. OMG, the smallest entry this month but one of my favorite. So old-school chaos. I love it! In a single figure you've managed most of what encompasses my thoughts on "oldhammer".

    1. thank very much! I'm very much enjoying trying to distill my own feeling about Oldhammer in this project- as much as ability allows anyway!

  5. Really nice work! Love this one!

  6. One figure.....so many points.... and such an impact! Its weirdness makes it sooooooo chaos! Love it 💖

  7. Brilliant! I agree with all the comments above. So unique. Worth every one of those 272 painting points.


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