Sunday, March 1, 2020

Graeme's Skaven reinforcements for February (224 points)

The plan for February was as simple as it was cunning: pick out a small group of high points cost models, get them painted by the middle of February and get a head start on the contribution for March. Easy. What could go wrong?

The best-laid schemes of rats and men...

Screech to a halt. Back in the real world, a busy work schedule and other commitments meant I was struggling to even get this small group painted in time. I got there in the end, though. Just.

I experimented with some different basing techniques this month, which I plan to do for the major character models - taking some inspiration from Nico's Realms of Chaos Skaven (

So here's my small contribution for February:


One of the most iconic Skaven models, as far as I'm concerned. Unfortunately, the quality of this model wasn't great - there were a lot of mold lines - some of which I didn't spot until I was in the middle of painting it...  😒.
For the paint scheme I wanted to use muted colours for the clothing (Wargames Foundry's Soviet Summer Tan and Rawhide), to bring out the lighter fur and skin, suggesting an albino rat, and to make the warpstone key and crystal ball stand out. This colour scheme was inspired by Stone Cold Lead's Gnawdoom masterpiece: For the same reason, I decided to model the base as a piece of rock, with very little colour, to keep the attention on the figure.

Gutter Runners

Finishing off the remaining three Gutter Runners from the group of ten. I continued these in the same style as the previous group. One in my trademark pink, the others in slightly more modest colours.
I may switch out the model with the shield for one without, to make the group more consistent. It'll do for now, though.

Rat Ogre

A second Rat Ogre to strengthen the Clan Molder contingent. Painting one of these a month seems to be a big help reaching my totals, so you can expect a few more to come...

Here's the full group and their points:

- Gnawdoom (level 15 wizard), with hand weapon: 144 points
- 1 Clan Moulder Rat Ogre, with hand weapon: 38 points
- 3 Clan Eshin Gutter Runners, with hand weapons, light armour, and slings: 42 points

Total for February: 224 points

Total for the army so far: 426.5 points

Next month I'm determined to work on building up my rank-and-file troops - starting with some Clan Pestilens Plague Monks with Plague Censer Bearer support. Wish me luck - I'll need it!


  1. Another great contribution to #teamskaven!!! I really like Gnawdoom and he is going to be the first model I paint for March. Great minds and all! I agree that he is a very iconic model for Skaven and yours came out great. Nice addition of the rock for the base too.

    1. Thanks Brendan! Yeah, #teamskaven is doing well - the armies are really taking shape. I was hoping to do a lot more in February, but I'll just have to burn some midnight oil to get through the numbers in March.
      Looking forward to seeing your Gnawdoom. No self-respecting Skaven army should leave their cave without one!

  2. Nice shiny, swirly mystical ball!

    1. If in doubt, go for shiny, mystical swirls! ;-}

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Those are some great looking Rats

  5. Replies
    1. Thanks. Yeah, I really like working with that shade. You'll be seeing more of it in the rest of the challenge... :-)

  6. Very nice. I like the pink because I see it as a bit of washed out red. I can’t imagine the warhammer world has color safe dyes!

    1. Thanks Brennan! That's definitely my take on the washed-out colours. Just need to find the right palette for the rest of the army... I suspect the Gutter Runners will be the most colourful. The next challenge is to find some suitably sickly colours for the Plague Monks...

  7. More fur for the army. The faded colours really look the business on these.

  8. Cheers! Yeah, the swarm is growing slowly...

  9. Eeekk! Love what your doing with these skaven classics mate!

  10. Yikes! More ratz! Great work!

  11. Gnawdoom is ace but my favourite is that classic Rat Ogre - brilliant job! :D

    1. Thanks! I do enjoy painting the Rat Ogres - I suspect there will be a few more during the challenge.... :-)


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