Sunday, March 1, 2020

Robert's Rangers Lead the Way (220 pts)

This month was a crazy one. As I am writing this my house is being packed up as I am moving to a different state for my job (good times). So my painting was a little less then what I wanted to do. So with out further complaining here is my February submission

Brew Master lvl 5 hero 54 points
Norie Brewers Assistant lvl 5 hero 54 points
8 Crossbow dwarves w/light armor and shields 112 points

Total for the month 220 points

The unit is an older version of Bugmans Rangers (Rangers lead the way). I am using this version of Joseph as my Brew Master hence the lower level. The "non" Bugman miniature I thought was one of the Dwarf Lords of Legend (spoiler alert he's not. I was sullpsed to use the one with the pick heald in the ready low position). I want to include as many of the Dwarf Lords in this force as I have had them since I was a young lad.

The background for my photo is a Bob Ross style painting I did during my instructor certification class. I must say that I am quite happy with the way the photos look with the background.

Till next time:

May your glass be ever full,
May the roof over your head be always strong,

May you die with axe in hand,
And be in Valhalla
Half an hour before the Hel knows you're dead



  1. Nice shield!
    I'm always impressed when someone paints models without using metallics. Well done sir!

  2. Love your dwarves, and amazed you painted during the move. And the background looks great!

  3. You're right. That background rocks. The dwarfs are lovely, the grey replaces the metal perfectly.

  4. Excellent work! Love those figs!

  5. Lovely little post to show off some lovely minis - brought a smile to my face :)


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