Sunday, April 5, 2020

Johns Chaos Dwarf Army (418 Points)

After the humiliating mulligan the Chaos Dwarfs come back with a ready detachment of slaves for sacrifice. Leading the group is a Sorcerer Lord with his Black Orcs behind him.

Chaos Dwarf Sorcerer Lord 328 points

Black Orcs x10

Total Points 418


  1. Oueff! That's one expensive Lord 😂. I love these old plastic blorcs. Please say you'll put a few streamers on the banner poles!

  2. I plan to after the challenge is done. I have a whole army that needs them but have absolutely no freehand skills. Hoping to find someone willing to help me get some old school styles to match the army colors

    1. How's your digital graphics/photo editing skills? You could try printing some paper banners and painting over them. You may even be able to find pre-designed banners online. I think there is/was a pretty active big hat chaos dwarf forum somewhere on the web.

      Mean looking addition to the army, and I agree with the comment below that the bleak terrain is a nice background as well.

  3. The bleakness of the terrain really sets a scene here. This is so cool.

  4. Another absolutely brilliant set up - lovely painting as always, and the Tar pit back drop seems to fit Black Orc slaves really well.


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