Thursday, June 25, 2020

Glyn's Orc Waaagghhh - Hey Stoopid!! (390pts)

It seemed appropriate that my title this month referenced a great rock track! 😆 I have had so much fun painting these guys.... and it was a welcome break from green!!

Everyone knows that a trolls most 'endearing' trait is that of stupity! This being the case, I had to come up with suitable names. As most of the painting was done to the accompaniment of the classic 'Magnificent Seven', I toyed with using 6 of the names of the 7 (trolls are stupid and can't count) but these trolls are not good guys, so I dropped that plan.

I considered the firemen of Trumpton (Pugh, Pugh, Barney McGrew, Cuthbert, Dibble & Grubb) but whilst the number was correct, the Stoopid level wasn't high enough.

But then...... Eureka..... I remembered that we live in unprecedented times and, against this backdrop, especially if you are English (I'm not!! 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿), they don't come much stoopider than the UK government.

Therefore, and hereinafter any resemblence to persons living or brain dead is purely coincidental, I give you.......
Boris, Rarb, Go!ve, Wonky Eyes Cummings, Handonkok and Pritti (Vacant)!

So, 6 stone trolls weighing in at 390 points takes my army past the magic 1000 points, for a total of 1294 points. I'll save the recap and reflection for next month and leave you with a rank by rank and group shot. 

See you next time, and remember........ when you're stuck between a rock and a hard place..... talk nice..... the rock might be Stoopid enough to move! 😂


  1. Gorgeous trolls! And funny names, even though I'm in the States and they fly over my head (but Pritti vacant, LOL!)

  2. Thanks Lissanne 😀 I must admit that is a favourite of mine 😆

  3. Yellow eyes is a big win! Congrats, they look great!

    1. Thanks man. I just felt something was needed to make the face 'pop'! 😀

  4. Oh man the eyeballs on those trolls are my favourites.

    1. Thanks man, I toyed between red and yellow. I'm glad i went with the yellow :-) and the responses suggest I was right :-D Glad you like them

  5. Lovely paint jobs and bonus Oldhammer points for Satirical names :)

    1. Thanks mate :-) I think its a big part of the hobby, coming with with silly, dubious names. The fact its topical couldn't be better......always rely on Boris and Co. for an inspiration on the satire front :-D

  6. Lovely trolls, you really brought the faces to life!

    1. Thank you, thank means a lot. I had initially just painted the open eye, thinking the other was squinting, but i'm glad i (tried) to do the other also as i think it does give the face more life. Really appreciate that comment :-)

  7. Careful with their test, I hope they have a good leader around them. Really nice painting on these classic guys.

  8. Thanks my friend, much appreciated. :-) I think in game play, it would be my intent to attach Gunky Bungole to them :-) should produce a pretty punchy unit unlikely to suffer too much stupidity.

  9. Great looking unit of trolls. The colors, painting, and bases all work perfectly together.

  10. Thanks my friend. Really glad you like them 😀

  11. Wonderful! So neat! Excellent work

  12. Thank you my friend. Given the neat crispness of your painting, that's some compliment 😃👍 grazie mille!


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