Thursday, July 2, 2020

JamesP Flegers and General (251 Points)

The Fleglers “joined” the Sons in a peculiar way. In the midst of combat the Flegers waded into battle taking the enemy by surprise in the flank effectively turning the battle. The strange thing about the whole affair is they stood on a hill overlooking the battle until engaging. After the battle the leader of the Fleglers sought out von Krueger who was at the time speaking with his cousin Archibald.

“I understand you are the leader of this fine army” he said. “Well met, I am indeed. I’d like to thank you for the assistance of you and your men.” Responded von Kruegar. “My name is Heinrich Schultz. I’d like to offer the services of myself and my men. We have set out to spread the word of the unifier of the Empire. We ask for no pay other than the items from what we kill. As you can clearly see we are very able at bringing the retribution of our lord to his enemies.” “Mmm…and what lord is that?” asked Archibald. “Sigmar, of course.” Replied Heinrich. Von Krueger said “I don’t see a problem with you and your men traveling with us as long as you don’t interfere with the running of the camp.” “I wouldn’t dream of hindering you or your men. I thank you for the opportunity of carrying our beliefs to the unfaithful. We will set up away from the main army to maintain our privacy, and your of course.” With that Heinrich returned to his waiting band.

“Do you think it’s wise to keep them with us, cousin?” asked Archibald. “They are handy in a fight, but something about them doesn’t feel right. Fanaticism is seldom a good thing, and flagellants exemplify that.” “Which is why I agreed to let them travel with us. What better way to keep an eye on them? I agree, something isn’t right here.” Replied von Krueger. “I’d like you to keep a close eye on them on the battlefield…and off. Pass that on to the rest of the Ironclads and I’ll do the same with the Kurr.” “I swore an oath to your father that I’d keep you alive and I mean to uphold it…although you make it hard at timed.” Joked Archibald. “That’s funny” the general laughed, “I gave the same oath to your father” “Despite my brother insisting I throw you in front of a charging unit of angry cavalry” He laughed. “I’m sure that has nothing to do with him loosing to you in the last horse race.” They both laughed and went about their work.

Level 15 Hero – 84pts (General)
·             Hand Weapon, Heavy armour, Shield, War Horse, Barding and Hellhoned Blade

11 Fleglers - (champion, musician and standard) 167pts
·             Flail, Additional Flail

Heinrich Schultz (The Anointed - Leader of the Fleglers): Level 5 Hero
·             Light Armour, Frenzied Blade

Dieter von Krueger of Kreutzhofen

The Fleglers

Leader of Fleglers - Heinrich Schultz (The Anointed)

The Flegler's Standard


  1. Yeah, those Flegers look wonderfully suspect! I'd keep an eye on them too! :)

  2. Well done! Good work on the fluff too :) The banner is very striking - good choice on the cheques on the banner and the edges of the Flegers robes!

  3. Love your colour use to maintain some army continuity, but you've made those fanatics look wonderfully untrustworthy 😀👍

  4. Nice painting, I like the way the fleglers standard is different, but still ties in with the general's colors. In fact, good use of the Brothers in an alternate way. I enjoyed the back-story too.

    1. ...Also, checkered patterns always score Oldhammer points in my book --- good use of them again!


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