Thursday, July 2, 2020

Sybou's month of June - Complete army of daemons (270 points)

Hello everyone,

after a break in May, i'm coming back to end the 2020 challenge.

I finally finished the last daemons i own, making this army, the first complete army i totally finished painting!

That's a big success!

So for this month I finished painting 9 plaguebearers:

Here is the complete army of 30 guys. the last guys were 1 old guy and 8 new plastic ones. The mix of plaguebearers is quiete fun. They look pretty good.
I imagine they can tank a lots of damage before vanishing.

Then I have the slaanesh chariot:

The good old chaos warrior chariot with slaanesh mounts. Originally i was willing to make a unit of daemonettes but i had difficulties getting a load of them so i just put the ladies on the chariot making myself a least one slaaneshy unit.
Fluffwise, these two are officaly here to judge the army and to give an opinion wether yes or not the chaos Prince should support it. Officiously they're spying on Dechalah. If She succeded in escaping her khornate jailers, they shall fall on her and bring her back.

I didn't really know how i was going to paint them. But the bald one made me think to an old movie:

Planète sauvage is an old animation french movie about an old race of giants that use men as pets. I really love the movies of these guy as they are kind of alien and bring a new imagination. I would especially advise you Gandahar:

It is pretty weird but full of cool ideas. I especially love the head building and i'm willing to build a scenery representing it.

Then i'm adding to the army, this small unit of 5 gargoyles. I painted them before the challenge but they are part of the army and here they are.

Finally, here is the whole army!!! The palanquin left to join the chaos warriors army. Such a coward.
Here a couple of close up shots:

That's it guys. Owac 2020 is almost over, i'm glad i participate for this year again. Next time I will go with a more regular army because this guys totalise like more of 3000 pts. But daemons are really expensive and it was a more a challenge to paint all the army so i can say that I did it!

Thank you Iannick for an other successful owac and until next month take care guys.


  1. Great army! In English that movie is called Fantastic Planet- I have had it on VCR tape for decades and love it!

    1. That s a cool and strange movie. I read That when they wanted to hire an animation, all the western countries were too expensive and they used a north korean s studio !

  2. Woah, that is a chonk-a-chonk unit of a unit! Massive congrats in on your army completion!!

    1. Hey thank you. Yea plaguebearers gather lots of points here. Its most for fun 😉 soon ill complete my undeads.

  3. Wow, way to go! That army will look great on the table.

  4. That's a lot of Demons! Congrats on finishing! :)

  5. They look so good all together. Really great work.

  6. Look very daemonic all together. Congrats on completing them all 👏


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