Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Jesse's Undead - Made it! (492 points)

Another month, another unit of skeletons and a liche for good measure. My monthly updates have become a little predictable.

This month I managed to paint:
19 skeleton warriors with standard, musician, light armour and shields (still waiting on the shields)
1 Grave Fiend (level 10 undead hero)
1 Doombinder (level 10 liche)

This lot added up to 492 points, a bit less than I had hoped to paint. Sickness meant that a mounted undead hero and a corpse cart remain untouched while a wraith and a screaming skull catapult need a few more sessions to be done.

This unit, along with the 10 skeletons painted last month will serve as a monster unit to escort the liche (or vampire) into battle. 


  1. It is wonderful that you said you had only painted a few figures and now you have an army! Be proud! Go Team Undead!

    1. Thanks Lissanne, it is pretty awesome to have my own painted army for the first time.

  2. Congratulations! Hobby achievement unlocked! :D

  3. Yup, well done! I always think of how many people have a unit or a character painted and then that's it - the rest unpainted. A whole army is kinda rare in comparison. Great work!

  4. Well done! Looks great. Love the liche

  5. That’s a unit a would love to paint, and you did it magnificently!


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