Monday, December 7, 2020

Ratwig's OWAC IV Intro Post

Greetings for OWAC IV. I am continuing to expand my Dark Elf army again this round. This time my entries will consist of:

6 x Doomdrakes, with lvl 15 hero, standard and musician - 398 point
10 x Helldrakes, with lvl 20 hero, standard and musician - 691 point
6 x Shadows - 114 points
1 x Whelp master and four warhounds - 29 points
1 x Giant Scorpion - 45 points
1 x Level 20 Hero on Temple Dog (contingent commander) - 263 points
1 x Level 5 Sorcerer on Cold One - 100 points
Total points are: 1640
The figs:

The Hostage to be sent to exile in the land of chill:


That's it for now.
Ratwig out


  1. Cavalry challenges are always...a challenge! Good luck, and thanks for the Evil Elf!

  2. Looks like it's going to be a good bunch of bad elves!

  3. Concise and to the point. I’m looking forward to seeing all those lizards in their fully painted glory!

  4. Nice. I've always liked watching this army expand and god, four years of plugging away at the same thing... that's impressive in this age of faddery and the hobby butterfly. Godspeed!

  5. nice point heavy force here! looking good.


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