Monday, December 7, 2020

The adventures of Skal's Space Pointy Ears and Dark Pirate like Space Pointy Ears, bask in all of the Pointy Ears glory!

Another OWAC ready to roll, another chance to paint some figs, have a plan, build an army. Wait what? Have a plan? Not so much. This being my third OWAC I have learned that for me having a plan flies out the window as I get distracted each month with different shinie things sitting on or near my paint desk. So a new approach this year. Following some sage words from a good friend of mine “Rogue Trader is about putting some cool figs you painted on the table, throwing some dice, and talking shit to each other” yes Brian these are wise words indeed.

I think the best games of RT were at Brian’s house accompanied by the usual suspects Ben, Will, Tom, and Jeff. Brian would come up with some dare I say “hair brained” encounter allowing us to use whatever RT miniatures we had as an army and him using off the wall creatures to terrorize us. We would roll dice, drink our favorite beverage (Samuel Smith Organic Chocolate Stout for me please and thank you), talk plenty of shit and having a blast. The stories afterwards were always funny and usually involved something about Will always rolling a 1 at the wrong time (or anytime really).

So with this in mind I decided I wanted to paint up some Eldar to add to my existing Eldar force as well as add some Eldar Pirates in the form of 3rd edition Dark Eldar. For the past few months I have been scouring eBay as well as the different FaceBook groups to get a decent collection of old school Dark Eldar. Let's say I may have gone overboard with the amount I picked up.

My painting adventures over the next few months will include painting up some classic RT Eldar, an Armorcast/Epicast tank or two, loads of 3rd edition Dark Eldar, as well as possibly a small ]I[ retinue. We shall see. So without further ado here are some photos of things that should be hitting my painting desk (Remember that lack of a plan and distraction part). It will be a blast to see how much of this I get through and what the final result is.

Oh yeah one last thing. Here is my offering to our grand Overlord as well as my trial paint job for my Eldar Pirates.

Till next month.




  1. Ooo! Looking forward to seeing the monster gribbly things and the armourcast painted! Good luck!

    1. I might have a few more Armorcast things waiting in the wings to be painted during this OWAC adventure as well. ;)

  2. Cool mix of pirates and dark eldars. Definitely following that huge unit of witches and eager to see the armorcast waveserpent!

  3. LOL! What a great lot of figures, I know you will do them justice! Should I finish my Armorcast tank too (just to do it)? Hmmmm

  4. I admit to a massive soft spot for those early Dark Eldar. I actually painted up two small armies of them back in the day (one in the boring by the book Midnight Blue scheme before I got into Night Lords, one as SPACE DROW with flesh tone armour because I was feeling contrary) and it's always grand to see them.

  5. Eldar everywhere!! least these ones are EVIL! lol

  6. Great offering! Your painting style will work well with these guys I reckon


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