Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Lissanne's Eldar- So where were the spiders? (329 pts)

Defense of the Maiden World part 2
(Rank and File #2)

 Reinforcements arriving!  Warp Spiders from the Black Widow shrine.  Seriously, this exarch is one of those beautiful and incredibly technical and time consuming figures.  And I have 2 more exarchs slated for next month...

This is the first of the squads of Warp Spiders I am doing, in black and bone with red as an accent color.  I seriously question the color choices of the designers here, and took some liberties with the traditional look, mostly downplaying that red.  Unfortunately, the models don't vary much, but the rank and file Warp Spiders are fairly easy to paint, so I am happy.  Except for the gems.  I counted 46 on each model.  Really.  46.

And the last five scouts of the Brown Recluse squad I did 10 of last month- 3 of one sculpt and 2 of another.  I think I like the hoodless sculpts best of all, I think they came out great!

5 Brown Recluse scouts- 115 pts
Black Widow shrine
4  Warp Spiders 164 pts
Warp Spider Exarch 50 pts
total 329 pts

Why did I put off painting the Spiders for decades.  Well, being an artist, I know when you are told to do something that looks a bit awkward or doesn't come out right, just add excess detail!  A dragon or a vase covering that foot, and the client thinks they are getting more for their money.  So, these Warp Spiders have an awful lot of excess detail- large tassels, too many gems, hmmm.....

Next month the rest of the Warp Spiders and the Fire Dragons.  All my Warp Spiders are from the Black Widow shrine, but the different squads will have different back markings.  And good painting to everyone!


  1. A colourful bunch, particularly like how you've tied them together with the touches of blue.

  2. Live the amount of colours you are getting into this force while still making it feel coherent.

    I agree with you about the spider models, I always really liked the exarch model but the rank and file spiders less so.

  3. Well at least your getting some practice in painting gems 🙂. Great looking paint scheme on the spiders but I love the scouts.

  4. That's a lot of gems!!
    They look cracking - you've come up with a great colour scheme for the spiders

  5. Nice spiders (and music reference...) I like the color palettes on both the spiders and the scouts. The runes on the back/carapace.

    Team Eldar!

    1. I think all my headers have been from music, LOL! Adam has that habit too, I it seems. Thank you!

  6. Nice details on the back of those Warp Spider jump generators. Go team Eldar!!!

  7. It is not common to see non-reddish warp spiders, indeed. Your colours fit perfectly, awesome squad.

    Go team eldar!

  8. I remember the Warp Spiders coming out back in the 90's and thinking that they were a bit daft compared to the established Aspect Warriors. Must have been more to do with the garish red paint scheme they insisted on at the time, which, like you say, was not very flattering. I much prefer your more restrained colour scheme - still plenty of colour there too with all those gems though - nice work!

    Your second batch of Scouts look brilliant too - love that crouching mini!


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