Monday, March 22, 2021

Filippo's Ultramarine - Why hitting an heretic with a powerfist when you can use two? (134 points)

Leader Month

March is over, ladies and gentlemen, put your hands together for the one and only PapaSmurf Marneus Calgar, Chapter Master and Supreme Leader second in command of the Ultramarines Chapters

Look how cute this guys is! He's waving his hand to AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!
*bolter noise

One of the best models I ever painted. Even if this guy is 30 years old, he can stand proud next to many miniatures GW is releasing this day. 

I missed February schedules, but in the end it was worth it. I had the chance to try a little more on its details. I'm proud of the yellow parts, a colour many hate (and for a good reason). It would have been much easier painting it in gold, but I still want to stay as close as possible to the original.

Goblin green base FTW! 

To be honest, it's not completed. I discovered that he had a decal on his right leg, but I was not able to get it from a friend due to Covid restrictions. I'll add it (and all the other to the next models)

It took me an awful amount of hours to complete, I'm worried about April and the bad choice I've made for the next models.. and what's that engine noise? 


  1. Beautiful model! I am no fan of smurf marines, but that is a great job and a lovely banner!

  2. A classic miniature, really like all the details, well done sir.

    1. Thanks :D It was a long but fun work on the details

  3. You have mastered painting classic space marines. That blue power armour is so perfect. And that banner!

    1. I'm still far away from mastering it, but each work help me to improve a little :)

      The banner is just a photocopy from the codex, GW was kind enough to put a printable banner for each models, except for the tactical squads

  4. Very cool, he is dripping with second edition cool!

  5. Aaaaaaand now I'm definitely leaving Leader Month till last! That's brilliant old skool painting, well done.

    1. Thanks! I'm waiting to see your leader, your Lizardmen are great!

  6. That is a leader and a half - he looks awesome! Congrats on him!

  7. Glad you spent extra time on him, it shows and that's what the leader month was for! Love his face, especially

  8. Well done paint job! Who wouldn't follow that guy?!

  9. A lot of care and attention gone in to this chap. I must admit I prefer the first incarnation of Calgar (not so useful on the table in his sedentary pose I'll admit!) but this guy certainly looks the part with your excellent paint job. I'll echo Iannick's admiration of your work on his face especially!

  10. Great job on both the banner and model!

    1. Thanks! But the banner is only a print.. I have not the skill and the time to do it..


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