Wednesday, March 3, 2021

JamesP Second unit of Spearmen (240 Pts)

Rank & File #2

The Grand Muster of Kreutzhofen

Second verse same as the first!

So, here we are in month two of the OWAC. This month is a repeat of last months accomplishments. Here is my second unit of 24 spearmen.

23 Ersatzsolder – (champion, musician and standard) – 240pts - The Spirit Cleavers

·        Spear, Light Armour, Shield

Conrad Ortmann : Level 5 hero

·        Heavy Armour, Shield 

Both units in a battle line ready to defend…well…whatever needs defended.

 And now for a bit of fluff… 

    Every so often there is a grand muster in Solland. This muster takes place in Kreutzhofen in response to rumours of the location of the lost Doomstones. Apparently, the lord of Kreutzhofen has recalled his son from the field to investigate and hopefully secure some if not all of the Doomstones. The newly formed units are to travel to the Badlands and establish a base camp in preparation of general von Krueger’s arrival. The grand muster is an event for the whole town and takes on a festival atmosphere. After a day of enrolment and games a large feast takes place for the new recruits with the whole town joining in.

     The feast of the grand muster is was fully underway. The recruits busy eating and drinking as they get to know each other while top table discuss the campaign ahead. A hush falls over the feast as a one-armed man approached the head table and took a seat next to the Lords brother Leopold von Krueger.

“Who’s that?” asked one of the recruits from a neighbouring village.

“That is Bandit, well that’s what everyone calls him. He’s the proprietor of The One-Armed Bandit alehouse and inn. Best alehouse in town I’ll tell you for nothing. He and Leo have a strong history.”

“Why’s that” the newcomer asked.

“Bandit and his brother campaigned together under Leo’s command. His brother died in battle and Bandit lost his arm defending the lords banner. They’re best mates. Not many of the old Sons of Solland left now. The torch has been passed to Lord von Krueger’s son, who’ll we’ll meet up with in the Badlands. He leads The Sons now.”

“How do you know so much?”

“Common knowledge in Kreutzhofen.”

“So; Bandit’s a hero then.” Said the newcomer quietly.

The young man turned to the newcomer and looked at him for a moment, smiled and stuck out his hand. “I’m Conrad, mate. I think we’re going to get along real well.” He said as he shook his hand. They continued eating and drinking with the rest of the recruits. Conrad looked at his father talking with Leo and thought to himself “I have some big boots to fill”.


  1. I enjoy how properly oldhammer this feels :)

  2. The Grand Muster is looking grand! Very nice indeed James, although I feel like I'm gaining intelligence on enemy troop movements since I may well end up contesting you in your search for the Doomstones! ;)

  3. This army, completed, is going to lok epic! Love the fluff, too!

  4. Lovely minis and fantastic painting. The shields really pop.

  5. Very nice troops! Those shields are really tying this force together nicely.

  6. Great background and painting! Few things are as impressive as big blocks of Empire infantry!

  7. Great job painting two similar units back to back. That can be tedious. They both look great. Nice job.

  8. That is some proper mental fortitude. Miss power to your brushstroke sir!

    I really like the bases, as simple as they are. With the striking colour scheme and shield heraldry they're a cracking looking sight :)


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