Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Mustafa’s Engineers Guild Expeditionary Force (430 points).

Rank & File #3 

I wanted my squats to have a bit of heavy support. Not too heavy as they are a mobile force, but running around on bikes without a bit of armour is just asking for trouble!

I wanted to go for something a bit different so I used a World War Toons tank. It’s actually the body of one  with the turret of another with some Imperial Guard tank bits stuck on. In game terms I’ll probably count it as a Rhino that some smart squat mechanic decided to bolt a multi melta. That would work out the to 430 point (370 for a Rhino, 60 for a Multi Melta).


  1. Matilda and Char B1? It's got a good squat look to it. :)

  2. Very cool, love the contrast between the base colour and that of the tank itself, makes the whole model stand out.

    Also what did you use for the base?

    1. Thanks! It’s a CD covers with bits of bark and plant soil.

  3. Interesting stuff, nice use of the kit.

  4. Great looking tank. I agree about the contrast between the tank and the base. The combo really does make it stand out.

    1. Thanks :)
      I didn’t glue it to the base as it would be a pain in the arse for gaming, but it’ll look nice for the final photo.

  5. Great job! Fits in perfectly with Squats!

  6. Cool conversions and very nice idea to replicate. With the additional details it fits very well the cartoony scales of wh40k, truely the spirit of a rt force!

  7. The weathering is heavy but looks realistic, i.e. not overboard. Great piece

  8. Nice work. The base size looks good too - not just hidden under the tank like the days of yore...wait. Anyhow - great job!


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