Thursday, April 29, 2021

Bill's Greenskins - "Fling 'Em, Lads!" (180.5 pts)

 Wild Card Month

"Oi, you lot know wot we fergot ta pack? Tha bleedin' catty-pult! How's we s'posed ta be firin' a Stone Thrower if we's ain't got one?"

"Not ter worry, Boss - them gobbos got somefink over there we can borrow!"

"That's one a them newfangled Doom Divers, it can't be a stone thrower! No stones!"

"Gobbos is about as smart as stones though, right Boss?"

"Ya might be on ta somefink there..."

Somehow not as productive a month as I'd hoped for but nonetheless, no Field of Bones for me yet. For my Wild Card month, I present the very first piece of artillery I've ever built and painted. To me, this is a 6th Edition Doom Diver because that was the current edition when I entered the hobby and I remember reading about and loving the Doom Diver Catapult at the time, but I believe this model was first released in 5th edition - don't quote me, and if I'm wrong, please correct me. This also marks the very first official Games Workshop-produced Warhammer Fantasy Battles Orc & Goblin miniatures that I've painted for this army (and the goblins aren't sculpted by Kev Adams, I don't think, but I'll allow myself an exception here).

But wait! The Doom Diver does not exist in 3rd Edition WHFB, the edition I've been using for the OWAC. So, with the addition of three Orc crewmen from Warmonger Miniatures, it becomes an amusing proxy for an Orc Stone Thrower, on the principle enumerated above that "gobbos is about as smart as stones."

I might still go back in and letter "ACME" in big letters on the frame, because it reminds me so strongly of Wile E. Coyote and his endless, futile pursuit of the Roadrunner.

The high-flying (or at least, far-flung) Goblin will make a nice marker for where I'm targeting on the table.

And finally this month, I have my Battle Standard Bearer, Bogloaf Gunderstank, a Level 15 Orc Hero who can't keep from smiling at the fact that he's lucked into the cushy job of carrying this big stick around while everyone else gets trampled by horses or shot full of holes. Not the Army Standard I initially wanted, but Warmonger is retooling the mold of the other standard bearer I ordered (which is topped by a captive dwarf whose testicles are being played like a cowbell by a sadistic goblin) and I'm still awaiting shipment on that, but this will serve perfectly well in the interim.

So this month's points work out to:

  • Orc Stone Thrower and Crew: 42.5
  • Level 15 Orc Hero, Army Standard Bearer: 138

For an April total of 180.5 points, and a total score four months into the OWAC of 837.5 points. As of this writing my February points are still being counted twice on the scoreboard but I know Iannick's getting that sorted for me :)


  1. I love Doom Divers! Great choice! Lovely job too!

  2. Great job, the doom diver is probably the most consistent damage dealer in my green skin army.

    1. Thank you, and that is awesome! How much of the damage is dealt to your own army though?

  3. Always had a soft spot for that Doom Diver, and the new crew suit it very well. I think you came to the same conclusion re. the airborne Goblin as everyone: "very kind of GW to make us a decent marker for working out scatter and so on."

  4. Love the Doomdiver. I know we're all meant to think that Kev Adams is the be-all and end-all of GW greenskinnery, but what Brian Nelson did with them from the mid-90s to the early 2000s is just as good in my opinion. Kev may have developed the style but Brian perfected it.

    1. I have a goodly amount of Brian Nelson's Boar Boyz lined up for OWAC V. While my focus on this project has been Kev Adams figures from multiple manufacturers, I've got no problem including a Brian Nelson-contingent.

  5. Nice! Doom diver FTW. I like the gobbo-being-flung's helmet, and the orc with the mallet. Great job!

  6. Nice upgrade to a full on Rocklobber! Never liked the 4th ed Doom Diver so this later version is definitely a step up. The addition of the Orc crew really adds to the fun!

    1. Thank you! I should have taken another top-down shot - the ramp of the Doom Diver is actually sculpted as being greased to ease the launch, which I thought was a very nice touch.

    2. God only knows what that grease is made from...

      But yeah - nice touch indeed! XD

  7. A lot of fun in those little guys !! Well done :D

  8. NOTHING is more fun in Warhammer than killing stuff with a Doom Diver. NOTHING. (ok may goblin fanatics).

    What I do in 3rd edition is basically use the rules and point values of the 4th editin doom divers. Works for us.

  9. You are creating a lovely army with figures I would never have given a second look to before. Lovely skin tones.


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