Thursday, April 1, 2021

Darkness Falls (Skals Eldar Troop month 526 points)

Rank & File #3

 Chaos, darkness, confusion, loss of time, mad rush the last three days. No I'm not talking about the Grim Dark I am referring to the craziness that was March. I built and painted 20 Pirate Dark Eldar in two days. Yep two days. I have to say it was like opening a time machine when I dove into the Dark Eldar army box. It was pretty awesome, I had some great music playing and I was simply focused on building and cleaning the Dark Eldar. I had already worked out my paint scheme so that was the easy part once I sat down to paint.

While picking up models for this army last year I stumbled across a lot of Dark Eldar Raiders and Ravagers. While they were already built and painted the price seemed to be worth the effort. Below you can see a before and after the new paint job. I was pretty happy with the way the Raider turned out and it fit the feel I was going for (you may see a few more over the next few months)

The color scheme for the Eldar "Pirates" was an easy decision for me. I always remember the Cabal of the Black Heart. That striking black armor with that high contrast green edge highlighting was always the scheme I wanted to do if I ever did Dark Eldar.

The last addition to my force this week was a Harlequin Solitaire. The stories of how these lone Harlequin roam the universe living amongst other races was something I always wanted to see. So I figured why not have this one join the raiding party of these pirate Eldar.

Points wise for this month we will call the two units of Pirates and two Pirate Captains 188 points
The Raider will count as a Falcon at 198 points
The Solitaire will clock in at a base of 140 points

Total for this month 21 troops and one tank for a total of 526 points
Till next time
"They speak of my drinking, but never think of my thirst."



  1. Amazing job with those warriors. Not a bad month, especially considering you squeezed more details from the sculpt in two days than say, the codex 'eavy metal warriors xD (again! even more impressive)

    1. You just made my day! Thank you. I enjoyed making the look like the old codex Dark Elves. It was an easy color choice for me.

  2. That was a VERY productive two days! Great work, and the army is really growing fast.
    Love the Harlequin Solitaire! Any excuse is a good excuse to include one in a force!

    1. Thank you. I have really been enjoying painting the Harlequins. They have been my reward each month after I finish painting my goals for the month.

  3. The impact of that whole mess of warriors in front of their vehicles is phenomenal!

    1. Thanks. It was daunting seeing all the unpainted miniatures after I built them. To see them all painted and in a scene was very rewarding.

  4. This makes me so sad that I gave my Dark Eldar away!

    1. I spent last year buying Dark Eldar for OWACIV. You can still get them at reasonable prices.

  5. Awesome photography as ever and the pirates really look the part - a very intimidating bunch!

  6. The black and green highhlights really work, lovely!

  7. These look great. The green highlights on black armour look very striking and give a green sheen to the whole armour and you've made the vehicles to match. Very atmospheric photos - these look like dioramas straight from army book.


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