Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Just John's Other Nightmare Legion (308 Points)

Rank & File #4

I seem to have a problem getting these units completely over the line (Probably because I try and get too many troopers painted). As with my first post I managed to get the troopers done but the three leaders just aren't finished and I decided not to rush them. Looks like next month is going to involve a lot of standard bearers, musicians and champions as well as the leadership of the army.

I managed to paint 22 of the troopers this month. I changed the colour scheme from the first lot and found these new coffin shields on the Gripping Beast website so I thought I'd add them to give this unit a more unified look, more of what I view the Nightmare Legion being I suppose. 

The group shot has 22 troopers all armed with spears, wearing chainmail and carrying shields for a grand total of 308 points.

2nd Company of the Nightmare Legion

These are a mix of three of the four variants of the Nightmare Legion Trooper. I do have the fourth but for some reason he didn't turn up when I searched through the painted figures.

Nightmare Legion Variant (Front and Rear)

Some group shots of the various variants follow. The guy with the chainmail coif was the worst to paint, mainly because they were stripped a few years ago and bits of paint were stuck in the chain links. I ended up having to go at some of the links with a pin to get some depth.

These guys were my favourite (and there's the fourth variant lurking at the front left - I knew there was one in this batch). I just like the open mouth and the hole in the back of the helmet. Plus less chainmail.

And finally these guys. Possibly I could have done more with the helmets but I was tired and it was late.

I'm happy enough with this month, although I would have liked to get the unit leaders finished - this is as far as I got with them. I want to try blacken the champions armour, I have to finish the goat fur/skin on the musician and I want to try and weather the standard a bit more. I also need to change the shield colour a bit to tie in with the troopers.

I have definitely learned a lot from this years OWAC so far - mainly that I am not picking a horde army if I get invited back next year :-) However it has been a lot of fun so far - roll on June and the month of the Lichemaster.


  1. Nightmare legion is always fun! Good job!

    1. Thanks. I think I still have another 2 units worth to do. I just love the figures.

  2. Great job! These look smashing! You've had a productive month.
    Those leader figures will definitely add more character to the unit.

  3. The thing with hordes army is...they *look* better. You are going to be more satisfied looking at your army at the end of the challenge, I guarantee it

    1. You are right. I'm already thinking about next year and all bar one are of the large armies.

  4. You've now painted even more of these guys than I have, which makes me impressed and also worried for your sanity 🙂 great job!

    1. Thanks. No need to worry about my sanity, that left the room along time ago 😀.

  5. Lovely work as ever John - love your choice of yellow as a regimental colour. I think it always seems a grind painting lots of monopose minis like you get in these old Regiments of Renown but they look so good ranked up!

    1. Thanks Steve. I tried to force myself to paint this one a bit differently and yellow seemed a good choice. I'm happy with the results.

  6. Always had a soft spot for the Nightmare Legion, and those shields suit them down to the ground. The monoposes may be a little tedious but I think they're far more iconically undead than the sort of gormless zaniness that a lot of manufacturers put out. Skeletons SHOULD march in lockstep, perfect uniformity slaved to a single will, god damn it, and nobody will convince me otherwise!

  7. Me too. I was delighted to find those shields and will be ordering more for the other Nightmare Legion figures I have. I'm totally with you in the monopose shambling relentless uniform horde visual.

  8. Ouesh! What little terrors - so many of them... Your army will look awesome!


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