Saturday, August 7, 2021

Skål, time to drink! 3,471 points


To all of the brave painters that have survived OWACIV "Skål". Congratulations to stepping up to the challenge and finishing it. This time round was a fun. I ended up adding to my existing Eldar force and starting my 3rd Edition Dark Eldar force. I painted more vehicles than I ever have in the past (6) and painted quite a bit of troops.

As usual I did not just sit idle this month as I still needed to paint up a true leader for my force. So after being gone for the entire month due to work and a vacation (what the hell is that?) I was able to paint up the Bloody Handed God 300 pts (second version or mid sized). I have already painted the 1st edition and the Forge World version so I figured it was time to paint up the middle child.  

Also this month since I had the airbrush out I ended up painting up my second Venom 45 pts from AWS Hobby Shop. I have to say I love this model. Not having to build anything and not having to clean up print lines made this model a breeze. It looks awesome next to its counter part and will be a great way to get my killer clowns across the table.

Here are a few shots of what I have painted over the last six months. It was great to be able to get them all on the table and see them. I can't wait to get them in a game.

Really loving the beginning of my Harlequin army.  Bring on the clowns.

To my fellow Eldar painters "GO TEAM ELDAR".

Till the next OWAC



  1. Wonderful force, and amazing models and job- remember Harleys are actors acting like clowns or soldiers. The are just very good actors!
    Go Team Eldar!

  2. Lovely force, I especially like the vehicles. Congrats on another OWAC victory!

    1. Thank you good Sir. I was super happy with the way they came out. I am ready for the next OWACV. Bring it on.

  3. Look at the luminosity!
    Lovely force, congratulations! The vehicles are a stand out for me also - great work!

    1. I have always struggled with bright colors. I think I did ok with them this time round.

  4. Wow - not really into the lore, but this army is super colorful and interesting.

  5. Great work! I love the large models in your army, and I’ve enjoyed the lighting & backdrops throughout!

    1. Thank you. It was a lot of fun taking the photos this year. I need to up my terrain game to do better photos next year.

  6. You've made a colourful job of those, well done sir

    1. Thank you kindly. I am pretty happy with the way my colors popped on these guys.

  7. I want to drive all the way to your house and challenge you to a match just to stare at your models

    1. Always ready to play a game. I can even supply you with a Dark Angel force to play against me.

  8. Exquisite, luminous, and so striking. Bravo sir on a truly beautiful army. Even if they are Eldar 😉 Really enjoyed seeing your work and photography - truly inspiring!

  9. Beautifully painted army - sharp, precise clean and very colourful! The harlequin flying vehicles are just amazing as are the ambient photos! Congratulations!

  10. What a fantastic looking project. The vehicles are simply stunning. Well done and Sláinte!


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