Friday, December 31, 2021

JohnR's Intro Post - Aksys of Evil and the Axis of Evil

Mornin' all

This is my second crack at the OWAC. Last year was a modern historical minis Estalian force, which was fun, but for this year I've gone all old metal.

The army is an unholy alliance of 3 evil races: goblins, skaven and dark elves lead by an utterly evil and clearly insane human sorcerer. All chosen from 3rd edition WFB and Warhammer Armies.

Inspiration was obviously George W Bush's "Axis of Evil" speech and all those Fighting Fantasy books I wasted my childhood reading when I should have been getting a 'proper' education.

Here is our primary antagonist: Aksys the evil warlock and his pet jabberwock Mittens. Both by Ral Partha. 

Da Gobbo Contingent. 48 gobbos (inc 3 fanatics), 12 wolfboys, a Lead Belcher and a Drew Day Williams cloud giant. 

The Skaven. No doubt outcasts from skaven society, just waiting for an opportune moment to betray everyone in the most underhanded and duplicitous way possible: 40 clanrats (10 are still in the paint stripper) 7 gutter runners, 8 giant rats, 2 rat ogres, 3 jezzails, 2 warpfire throwers, 2 poisoned wind globadiers, an assassin and a sorcerer.

Last, but not least, The Dark Elves. No doubt wondering how the F they got into this situation and just hoping to survive, nick a few slaves and escape back to Naggaroth in one piece: 20 witch elves, 12 crossbows and 5 heavy cavalry.

So yeah, I know, this is a lot of figs to paint in 6 months. 

And I know what you're thinking.

"What if he runs out of stuff to paint?!"

Don't worry.

Just like the rest of you I have more stuff to paint 😊 Extra bits for each of the three main contingents and a small chaos contingent which didn't make it into these photos.

Finally: "For the Overlord!"

Chaos Champion of Slaanesh, Ex-evangelist of the Church of Holy Sigmar, Founder of the first Mega Church of Chaos and all round total scumbag: Pennith Gropeland.

Driven out of the Church of Sigmar for tax evasion, orgies in the vestry and questionable relations with the choir boys, Gropeland narrowly avoided the Witchfinder's torch and fled into the waiting arms of Slaanesh. In the chaos wastes he found his true calling: preaching to a flock of willing fanatics and building evermore grotesque and extravagant edifices to his own debauched excess.

Good luck everyone. See you on the other side!


  1. This looks like a brilliant project. Those goblin and Skagen infantry units will look mighty impressive.

  2. This will be great! I always preferred the idea that the bad guys were a horde of mixed species and monsters as you're presenting here (as opposed to stratified race specific armies). Where is the leader model from?

    1. He's the Villainous Warlock from Ral Partha - still available from RPE:

  3. Very cool horde of evil! I love the multi culti lists and yours looks very good. Should provide a nice variety to paint and certainly a challenge in terms of numbers. Good luck!

    1. Yeah, one day in and I'm already wondering what I've let myself in for :'D

  4. Give the overlord your ornithopter :-))

    1. Dwarves next year maybe so yeah The Overlord might get a member of 'Zero Squadron' as tribute :)

  5. So many 'overachievers' this OWAC...I think there are 2 armies there. Good luck, it looks good!

    1. Thanks Lissanne, I've always subscribed to the 'quantity has a quality all of its own' school of Warhammer lol

  6. So. Much.
    Good grief that is a hefty model count! Good luck, I love that cloud giant - all the best with the paint :)

    1. Thanks dude, really looking forward to getting some paint on it but am forcing myself to paint the big gobbo unit before I do anything else - don't want to be left with them at the end !

  7. Lovely collection of old skool goodies! They should look awesome painted up!
    Good luck!

  8. Each contingent is great in its own right. I hope you don't get bogged down with the numbers tho. A swarm of giant rats and clanrats aren't worth many points.

  9. Cracking army! I always think Fighting Fantasy and the world of Titan is a bit of an under-used source of inspiration for Oldhammer so great to see a hefty nod towards it with your army composition. Gotta love a mad, evil sorcerer and his diverse evil minions!

  10. Great fun! I'm always a fan of a mixed-evil army and this has a great source of inspiration :)

    Re: the Slaanesh champion, I first read the text as 'Ogres in the vestry' and now I have an image of ogres in choir boy outfits which is unsettling but undoubtedly very Slaanesh.


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