Friday, December 31, 2021

Nathan’s Slaaneshi genestealer cult

Another year slips away; whilst the new year holds more Covid based uncertainty it thankfully also sees the start of OWAC V. That is something to look forward to. This year I decided to paint up a slaaneshi genestealer cult army. The variety of figures I had to choose from was a real attraction for picking this army; the figures can also be used in Advance/Space Crusade and Space Hulk all of which I have. Finally I can use the slaaneshi daemons in my very slowly expanding Emperor’s Children and Slaaneshi daemon armies that I have. Anyway here are pics of what I plan to paint up:

And finally the offering to our benevolent overlord which is a marauder dark elf with lots of pink. A Slanneshi Dark Elf Army was my other army option for OWAC V…


  1. Two stealer armies in a row! Yours has got more older figures in it so I think I'm rooting for yours 🙂 Plus Slaanesh.

  2. Genestealer cult is one of those army's I've had on the back burner for..oh...too long. and pink! Slaanesh & stealers, what a combo!

  3. Pink AND Blue! This will be great to see!

  4. Wow, this is going to be cool!

  5. Nice variety! And you will likely need some pink! Looking forward to seeing them painted - especially the deamonettes and the keeper of secrets

  6. Lovely model selection - especially the hybrid front row left of the middle, holding the knife behind him.
    Good luck with the paint! :)

  7. Excellent project - really reminds me of an old Golden Demon Entry (forget which year but back in the 80's) that was a small Slaanesh Genestealer Cult. I presume you must be well acquainted with it judging by your model selection. Looking forward to seeing you progress with this one!

  8. Awesome concept. Anyone who doesn't love the idea of a Slaaneshi-Genestealer cult clearly hasn't been implanted with an embryo yet!

    I'd really enjoy seeing the army list as well as the models you are going to paint - we need to know the background to this debased alien cabal! :)


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