Friday, December 31, 2021

Mustafa’s Genestealer Cult

 For this years challenge I’ve decided to go with a Genestealer cult and a small Tyranid allied force.

I figured it would make sense as the bulk of the army will be genestealers so I could effectively end up with two armies if I pull my socks up and paint quick enough!

The core of the army will be the following:

Genestealer Patriarch: 72

Magus: 107

Icon bearer: 45

22 Genestealers: 616

11 Neophytes: 99

20 Acolytes: 160

5 Acolytes on bikes: 140

TOTAL 1099

I’ve not included any points for weapons or abilities in that as I consider them the icing on the cake. I want to make sure that the total points I need are covered by the just boots (talons, claws, etc) on the ground first and foremost

The Tyranid allies will be the following:

Hive Tyrant: 164

12 Termagants: 72

3 Tyranids: 165


Again, no points included for all the weapons and mutations.

I am planning to chuck in some more genestealers and termagants, as well as a couple of biovores but those are all still in the post so aren’t included in the first draft of my list.

Here are pics of everything in its unpainted glory!

And as for my offering rather than paint a mini I offered to do an illustration as a prize, here's last year’s winners, Mariano Sanchez :)


  1. Nice. Will you going for something unique or sticking with one of the traditional colour schemes?

  2. Wow! Two Genestealer cults in this OWAC! Nice!

  3. Very cool, looking forward to seeing this army come together!

  4. This will be great! Where are those cultist models from?

  5. Those magos sculpts are 🔥 Genestealer Cults are very... tempting... for me, so I'm looking forward to your progress :)

  6. Nice - can't wait to see Genestealers done in your trademark style! Lovely work on Mario's prize last year - very Lone Wolf!

  7. Awesome sauce - always love your dark and grungy take on 40k so this should be a treat :)

  8. Very cool alien cultists! Looking forward to see how you paint them. Also, a great offering!


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