Friday, December 31, 2021

ChrisH's OWAC Introduction Post - 3rd Edition Empire Army

This is my first OWAC army, I’ve had a Perry sculpted Empire Army in mind for a few years and built it with the current foundry models and a few older models from late 80’s early 90’s.  It’s almost a 3rd edition list with a few minor tweaks.

My interest is mainly in 3rd edition oldhammer but I have played modern(ish) 40k, LoTR and ancient/medieval wargames.  For 3rd edition, I have large painted High Elf, Wood Elf, Dark Elf, Orc & Goblin and Chaos armies and have just finished a Norse Army.  I am more of a painter than a gamer but happy to do both.  I have a large painted Elf army which I recently finished after 30+ years painting.



I am a big fan of pre-slotta GW and have painted one of the original Dwarfs as my OWAC offering.

The Empire army colour scheme is inspired by the Osprey men at arms Burgundian Army book – there is a tournament picture where all the characters are in white, and I want to pair it with black armour (no pressure).  A lot of 16th century armour was black and as the empire background has an early 16th century feel it seems to make sense.


I can paint fast when in the zone so am not particularly concerned about the large pike unit.  To add more pressure it will be my first army using airbrush, zenithal highlighting and contrast paints.


My preference it to have a theme underpinning a new army.  In this case it’s the Grand tournament army of Klaus, Count Palantine Von Reikland.  He has an eye for smart uniforms in matching Reikland colours Red, White and Black.  History will tell if he is any use as a general.  This matches with the Burgundian theme as the Burgundians looked great but their performance on the field was generally poor!


Klaus can call on the Temple knights from the Orders of the Blazing Sun and the Order of the Black Rose of which he is the Grand Marshall.  He also has a local contingent of Reiksgard.  The temple of Sigmar provides him a contingent of flagellants and the remainder of the troops are from his own estates.


The army composition is as follows


Klaus, Count Palantine Von Reikland riding Hippogriff, 334 points

10 Knights of the Blazing Sun , 390 points

10 Knights of the Black Rose, 310 points


20 Reiksguard, 220 points


10 Hackbutschutzen (Handgunners), 80 points


60 Ersatsolder lead by Burgomeister Reinhard standard and musician, 709 points


20 Helblitzen, 180 points


20 Helblitzen, 180 points

12 Flagellants, 108 points



  1. Oh my so much puff and slash! Good luck, the army looks great!

  2. Your Wood Elf army is awesomely awesome! Can’t wait to see your Empire army!

  3. Wow. A 60 man puff and slash unit! This is going to be impressive (no pressure 😀)

  4. Great and ambitious project! Those big regiments will look impressive

  5. does anyone know if someone has made an 8th army list anywhere or the newest version a fan has made....

  6. 60-figure regiment, that's going to look incredible painted up! Good luck!

  7. That pikeman unit will look incredible! Although I must confess I am having flashbacks to treading on plastic gretchin barefoot as a kid...

  8. Great selection of models! That's going to be a tough challenge to get through them all - can't wait to see your progress! Good luck!

  9. I'm especially looking forward to those knights :)

  10. Crikey - this'll be a glorious sight when it's done! I do love a pike block!

  11. Great to have you on board! Massive blocks of Empire troops are what WFB is all about :)

  12. Glorious! Landsknecht-styled empire is a beauty to behold. Love your model selection and the sheer size of your army is mind boggling. Looking forward to your progress.


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