Saturday, December 31, 2022

John Bentley's Dwarf Intro Post - Small Army BIG Reward

 A small sturdy dwarf force to be reckoned with. Ready to take on all that stand in their way from weakling elgi to the oversized Ogri.

Who better to lead a mighty dwarven host than Bugman himself.


You cant have Bugman without his trusty Rangers


The backbone of any dwarf army a unit of Warriors

Shields from oldschool miniatures

I dropped one while priming so hopefully will find it soon

Thunderers take aim and clear the way 


A mighty unit of Hammerers to pound whoever stands in their way

again the shields from oldschool miniatures

The model that caught my attention and got me into table top miniatures the destructive Flame Cannon
(my first and still one of my favorite models of all time)


A big ogre from oldschool miniatures for the big boss man

(The dino in the background is a present from my youngest son and good luck charm. Spike!)


  1. A nice manageable selection of stunties there. Getting the inspiration to paint your first and possibly favourite minis is one of the great things about this challenge! Best of luck with this.

  2. That's a good, strong warband. Also, the flame cannon is absolutely the bee's knees - good choice for a 'fell in love' model.

  3. Yes! Proper dwarfs :) Good luck with the paint - and the colour scheme!

    1. Thank you and good luck to you as well. It will be an autumn theme

  4. Great choice of classic models, including many of my favourites (yep, that flame cannon is rad!). Good luck with the project!

    1. Many of my favorites as well. I have always loved the monopose dwarfs they were the first infantry I bought along side the flame cannon. Thank you and good luck to you as well.

  5. Lovely collection of Stunties. They are a very enjoyable army to paint.

  6. That is a good looking Dwarven army, and great flame cannon! Good luck!

  7. Always a pleasure to see some painted dwarfs. C'mon!

  8. Nice looking collection of dwarfs, good luck!

  9. Great to see some Dorfs in the mix, and a great tribute mini from OS :)

    That little touch about dropping the shield and hoping it will turn up made me smile in recognition. I hope it turns up!

    1. Thank you Oldschool Miniatures is one of my favorite miniature companies at the moment. I have their whole circus range painted and hopefully if I have some free time I will add the alpine dwarfs to the mix in this challenge (heres to hoping). I hope you at least find all your dropped items and not have a butthead cat like I do

  10. Thank you all for the kind words. This is definitely a passion project and I am about halfway through with the first month. Alas I still cannot find the shield Im pretty sure the cat got it (butthead) and of course warriors are where I started. Everyone knows the warriors are the foundation you start on. I hope you all are getting along a lot better than I am. I will make it but it will be down to the wire


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