Saturday, December 31, 2022

Ratwig's OWAC VI Opening Post: WAB Age of Arthur

Greetings folks! and welcome to my version of OWAC VI. This year's slave sent to the overlord is the one that would have gone last year if I could have just managed to paint him in time for the start of OWAC V. Anyway, I give you Mox Mon on a Cold One, whose brother Mox Mox, from OWAC IV, got him volun-told to go to the land of chill and serve the witch king. Mox Mon has even painted the overlord's colors on his shield.

This year, the overlord said we could do GW side projects, which included Warhammer Ancient Battles. I have had an unpainted Romano-British Civitate, Twilight of Britannia army for the "The Age of Arthur" supplement sitting around for a long time and so, since I'm taking a break from Dark Elves for a while, here we go. The army will be around 1500 points as that is what is called for in the supplement. I'm breaking it down into submissions as I plan to paint the prepared figs first and scramble later when trying to assemble the figs for later submissions. In order of planned submission, here goes:


 31 x Pedyt led by a Decurio, with full command, and large shields: 255 points total

 23 x Geoguth led by an Atheling with full command and throwing spears: 298 points total


17 x Milites led by a Tribune with full command, javelins, large shields and light armor: 345 points total

The next two units and the command figures are located in this pile of Late Roman cavalry.

They consist of:


          1 x Dux, Army Commander, mounted with shield, light armor, javelins and throwing spear - 204 points

          1 x Tribune, Army Standard Bearer, mounted with shield, light armor, javelins - 160 points

     10 x Commanipulares guard cavalry, with full command - 265 points

     11 x Equites light cavalry, with full command - 202 points

 There you have it, my planned insanity for the next six months or so...

Off to find some Jack to get this shindig rolling!

Ratwig out


  1. Holy Emperor thats a few miniatures! This is going to be historic.

  2. I don't know anything about this game, so I'm looking forward to learning!

  3. WAB! and one of my favorite periods too, hell yes

  4. Best of luck with this. Nice to see another historical army being painted.

  5. I have never seen, not heard of WAB, so I'm super interested in seeing this all come together - good luck!

  6. That is a good looking force of Late Romans! Looking forward to seeing them painted. Good luck!

  7. Interesting! Great to see so many different so many different types of force/game represented this year and this has particularly caught my eye! :D


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