Monday, January 30, 2023

Jaakko and Slargash - January, Rank & File #1

"Thou shall be banished from this realm, foul spirit" Slargash declared in a commanding voice. He felt a bit bad calling the ghost foul as he was quite a delightful chap really, but so it stood in Ye Scroll of Summons and he was not taking any risks. Not when they were this close.

Slargash and the Mad Spell twins hade made preparations for weeks and tension had grown by the hour. The words still echoed in the darkness as it all started to happen. With a strike of lightning a portal appeared and the ghost was sucked through it. Sparks where still floating in wafts of air as they heard it. Loud thumps aproached them while water ripples grew larger in the paint water pot. A towering figure emerged over the pile of lead they wishfully called an army. "Look at the size of that thing", whispered the younger Quel'lequek and could only stare at it.

A continuous low and rumbling sound emanated form the being. Slowly they started to recognise words, "Hroom, hm, what have we here... chaos, I have always loved chaos... but so many of them... we must be hasty... it takes a long time to paint an army... we never paint anything if it's not worth a long time to paint though..."

"It's not quite the mighty, dark-winged, avenging lord of chaos I had imagined", Slargash thought. "Perhaps it'll do", he sighed and stepped towards the being.

A month has passed and I have tried to be busy. I was a bit nervous and so wanted to start with something relatively simple and straight forward to start the challenge. So I picked the hounds as the main unit for January and minotaurs for February.



I didn't paint any test models in advance and didn't have a clear idea for the paint scheme for this army. So while painting the group of chaos hounds I have painted some models from other units also and now submitted the ready ones. This led into scrapping my initial (and more colourful) plan for the hounds into one that I think fits better with the overall scheme of the army. I try to paint the army so that it's not obviously dedicated to a certain deity even though some of the models flirt with some of them (and I seem to like a slaaneshian colour palette).



You might notice that there are too many hounds. My initial list had only 8 and I have painted 12 (so far). Well, I stumbled into a good deal with a bunch of old marauder hounds. I also found that warrior from my lead pile and the lone old citadel thug was also a late addition to the force. So the force is still growing and I'll try to paint at least a host (the proper combination of more hounds and a hydra) and present it during the wild card month in addition to previously promised (slaaneshian) war altar.


This month in points:

- 2 beastmasters and 12 hounds: 306 points

- 7 thugs and a marauder leader: 91 points

- Chaos warrior: 74 points

= 471 total , 23 models

And yes, the ghost who left the Northern Wastes of the Old World to the vast miniature chambers of the Benevolent Overlord in the Northern Wastes of the New World (aka the fee to enter the challenge):


  1. Great start! I love the almost spectral hounds, and the muted colour palette. And also the excellent introduction - I guess the Daemon Prince Bry'Ah'Nan'Sell was answering another summons already!

    1. Nice that you spotted the reference! (even though I'm not too surprised given the audience) I have spent quite some time staring at those pages over several decades. And thank you for your kind words 🙏

  2. wow.. quality here ! I love those cold colors. It making them look really defiler my chaos. Great job !!

    1. Thank you! The supportive mentality in the group really makes me want to pour my heart out on the palette 😀

  3. That is a wonderful idea for ghostly hounds! They look fantastic in white!

    1. Thanks! I did receive some sceptic feedback when describing my pale concept for the hounds. I'm pretty happy with the results and glad you like them.

  4. White hounds FTW, they look fangtastic - especially those differing shades of white. Also, pinstripe trousers for that extra kudos. Wonderful stuff!

    1. The dude is mainly trousers so he had to have stripes! It seems that we stripe lovers might get to enjoy some giant ones a bit later...

  5. Looking good, nice use of subtle colour

  6. Love your one-eyed fella (?), and the dogs.

    1. Thank you, he is one of my favourites too. I have a spare and might do another version if I have the time

  7. I like the muted colour scheme - it is definitely speaking to Chaos Undivided :)

    1. Thank you! I like the scheme so far too, but well see if it evolves during the challenge


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