Monday, March 27, 2023

Lissanne's Tigers of Scourge -March Ogre team (monster/leader month)

Clump clump, clump..."Hey, we wants to play.  We're da Big Guys!"  "Just you five? Here to play ball?"   "We no need ball!"  It was hard to argue with them, but Skye Pilot did get them to change their name to the Tigers of Scourge, and accept some small guys.  Which they happily did when they found they could toss them!

This month, Ogres!  There are a couple of Bloodbowl ogres, a couple of  metal Bloodbowl Orcs which due to scale creep are way too big for orcs, but just right as Ogres, so Ogres they became.  And one more.   Variety is good!
Here are the big guys!

Studs, who decorates himself by driving nails into his body

Spike- Wears a lot of armor.  No one wants to tell them to take off the armor...

Back side shot

This one is half orc half ogre, He calls himself Tiger Eye, the others call him Pee Wee.

Morg n Thorg- Since I have a Morg on the Human team, I can only assume he's playing for both!

And a back shot

Lucky- Ogre blessed by Jubilex and altered somewhat... ok, altered a lot!  He is even dumber than before, and tends to take a bite out of whatever he picks up, snotling, gameball or in this case the ref!  He sure keeps the clerics busy!

 I had actually started modifying this troll for the first team I built,  my Orc team, Duri's Hooligans.  but ended up with a better fiigure.  Now this fellow will finally see play!

And 11 Snotlings plus

   The Snotlings are all modified to have no weapons and are wearing Bloodbowl gear.  This gives me 11 unique models!   Here are this season's victims...err....recruits.

I also painted an Apothecary

A Cheerleader,

and took the opportunity to paint the drunken fans passed out in their own vomit! 

And since Goblin Star Players are allowed, I added Boomer Dribblesnot and Hobbla Blackwort to the roster.

And this is everything

This is probably the most figures I am going to get done in a month this OWAC.   As much as I want to play with my new teams, Battle Reports must go by the wayside, as I picked up a big job (which I love!) and am working hard at that.  Since I paint figs to relax after painting, finishing the OWAC is not an issue, and I have already made progress on April!  We'll see if I can do one or two games for Wildcard month, but sometimes life intervenes.  
Til next month!


  1. Great work again! Ogres must be coolest bb-team

  2. Extremely over the top, love em

  3. Wonderful monsters! You can feel the fun you had painting them!

    1. They were a lot of fun! That is why I did so many, I think. Alas, the next two months are more technical. Ah, well.

  4. I second Shadespyre - this is my favourite team so far. Great stuff - I like that the apothecary kinda looks like they're dabbing!

  5. Quite the team! I like the brute force aspect of it.

  6. Ogres + Tiger Stripes = Massive win :D

  7. Amazing mix of good old ogres/trolls. Love the classic Olley's ogre. The conversions are perfect and overall the snotlings look pretty funny!


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