Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Sybou's month number 3 - Troopers month (210 points)

 Hello everyone, here we are for the month of March.

It was a really hard month and once again i'm publishing my article at the last minute.

Anyway, I'm still lost in the myst of Albion and carry on my quest to finish once and for all a Warhammer Army.

For this month, 4 small giants:

"Albion is known for being the land of Giants ... Once they used to be a proud race ; legends said they were able to touche the sky, build wonderful cities and knew magic and secrets.
Now the giants of Albion are wild, slow minded and short tempered. Nobody really knows how it happened ... the collapsing of pillars holding back the winds of magic may have had some links with their condition but nothing is for sure.

Even now, giants are still fighting to defend Albion ; they're often not willing to join druids and clans and rather prefer to be left alone but will fiercely throw themselves against invaders in order to crush them"

4 count as ogres (140 points)

I really like the giants from "Conquest Games" they're perfect for my army. The 4th lad is a plastic D&D miniatures who really fits with them. I got him for years and it was nice to lay paints on him.

"Even if giants or druids notice the approach of ships on their coast most of the time, it is not unusual for clans of Albion to have patrols on their shores. 

These horsemen are often used by Nobles and Kings for scouting or raiding actions. Every leaders know it s essential for their clans to have some of these skilled specialists in their army."

5 Albion raiders (70 points)

It was really hard to find some miniatures that i like for light cavalry. I found some german raiders from a line named SPQR and i bought some Perry plastic horses for them in order to have some consistency with the horsemen from my other armies.

Here the results, i gave them some spears from Frostgrave savages set, a couple of headswaps and here they are.

I have a other unit of these guys and will try to finish them in the following months.

That s a total of 210 points for these month and with January and February: 350 points

I hope you will appreciate my progress, take care and carry on with our challenge :)



  1. Progress appreciated. I'm sure your army will look amazing once finished

  2. Two cracking units - really awesome!

  3. Very nice update. The "small giants" are quite cool, didn't know those miniatures but works perfectly in the Albion theme.

  4. Don't know any of those Giant miniatures, good work finding those, they look great for this project. And equally good work kitbashing those riders, they're perfect

  5. Nicely selected mix of minis/kit bashes to make a couple of very 'on theme' units. Great job!

  6. Congrats on your units, they really look the part!


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