Monday, April 3, 2023

Ben's Epic Orks Month 3 - Leader

This month I've gone painted models to to represent an Evil Sunz Warboss and his Battlewagons.   The meganobz and mekboyz are leaders from Vanguard, with a couple of spare plastic Painboyz and Gretchin to keep them running.  I've used a Bonebreaka and a Gutrippa for their battlewagons, as I much prefer these models to the plastic wagons

Here's the boss zoomed in a bit to see the highlights and detail I tried to add...

...but going into super-zoom mode you can see detail in the whole mob:

Of course, these are my 40k lads - painted over a period of many, many years - that the Epic Evil Sunz are inspired by.  Next month, I want to paint a Kult of Speed (Epic scale...) to go with them.


  1. Wow, glancing the pictures, without reading almost caught me!

  2. Bloody Hell! That detail is insane! Bravo!

  3. Great job on those tiny fellas!

  4. The amount of detail you have managed to add to the boss is impressive!

  5. Love the small flames on such tiny tanks!

  6. Okay, that's it - I just have to paint something in Epic scale! These are ADORABLE!!! I mean, they are terrifying and beautifully painted, obviously :)

  7. They really do look like epic scale versions of your 40K ladz, job's a good 'un! :D

  8. Brilliant! Surely anyone with an older 40K army has always secretly longed to pair their army with an Epic version, I know I have. Great work on such tiny details!


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