Monday, May 29, 2023

Frank's: The Great Work - A Daemonic Legion of Slaanesh, Slaves to Darkness Style, "Rank & File", May 2023


I had originally intended May to be my 'Wildcard' month, but I took a lot longer painting my first pack of mounted Daemonettes throughout April; so I still had the second unit of them to go. I do not in any way begrudge the slower speed I took working on these models. Each mounted Daemonette is a treasure. Those I converted are examples of Oldhammer ethos applied to modern techniques, while the unreleased non-converted models are, at least in my eyes, priceless treasures of Citadel Miniatures history. The second daemonette cavalry pack was created just like I had done with the first (see April's entry for details). These involved resin cast 'seats' to convert the riders, and serious hobby knife surgery on several standard Daemonette infantry models. Then the other half dozen mounts requiring careful posing to avoid them all being identical. In order to mix up the pose of the steeds a bit I reposed a few in this month's pack. It is amazing how much you can vary them considering they are only a torso and two leg pieces. In addition, some of my mounts I had acquired were in less than pristine condition and some tongues had to be replaced with plastic stand-ins. I painted these ladies just as flamboyantly as their sisters in April, with plenty of pastels and a few bright primary colors for contrast. I particularly like the red steed with the psychopomp-pink Daemonette rider. It appears to be rearing and she looks about to be thrown off in excitement. 

The second unit of mounted Daemonettes added another 720 points to the Legion as a whole. This brings my running tab to a total of 6344 points painted, and an 'adjusted for size' model count of 81 models painted. As you can see in the shot below the Legion is starting to look like a real army, but fear not dear reader, there are still a few more surprises left for my Wildcard effort in June.


  1. Striking colours as ever with this project, the whole lot together are very impressive. I wonder what comes next?

    1. Thanks. I've always felt that Slaanesh, as originally conceived, should be a riot of colors.

  2. Wonderful colours, well done sir

    1. Cheers. I aimed for it to be a bit too much.

  3. Amazing colors on the steeds, lovely work overall!

  4. Really nice work again and a very impressive army already. Your use of colour is first-class

  5. Aaaaah! The colours! My fav is the one next to yours (ie, next to the red steed with the psychopomp-pink Daemonette rider). Lovely work on such rare minis

    1. Which one are you referring to? Green steed or purple steed? Both are all lead, and did not involve and 3d printing sorcery. Although green steed has a hair piece from a 'modern' plastic Daemonette.

  6. Taste that rainbow!

    You are absolutely right about taking it slow and treating them like treasures. Yours have come out like jewels as a result. Absolutely brilliant work all round!

    1. Thanks. They were the hardest part of the Legion to acquire and convert.


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