Monday, May 29, 2023

Chris' Chaos Dwarfs - Month 5 - Boar Centaurs and More Artillery - 494 points

I've suffered the usual enthusiasm dip near the end of the project but at the time of writing (23rd May) I'm well into the final unit.  I also have the possible addition of a chaos dwarf juggernaut if I get the time.  This months units are two ass cannons (I have a love/hate relationship with these minis and debated adding them to the army - they are silly).  The boar centaurs are great and were not available as a unit at the time that 3rd Ed came out.

The army so far is looking great, only one more unit to add, happy painting folks.


  1. Boar Centaurs and Ass Cannons! Lovely stuff!

  2. "Our cannons are thicc"
    "You mean the caliber?"


  3. This project makes me want to paint short angry men. Didin't realize how many had been added to the theme since the elder days. Very cool.

  4. Yes, they are ridiculous and yes, I would have included them too. The army looks great together, I hope you get around to that juggernaut because I don't think I've ever seen one assembled and painted.

  5. Asscannons are a must have! Silly but awesome. I hope that you will have the time and energy to paint the juggernaut too. It's a rare treat

  6. Good luck with the mojo for next month - I hope it picks up! Great work this month grinding out those models 🔥

  7. Who doesn't love an ass cannon!?

    Well done on powering through, the Boar Centaurs are a great looking unit :)


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