Friday, July 21, 2023

ChrisH' Chaos Dwarfs - Complete Army - 3002 points

Another army challenge completed, 127 miniatures painted and 3002 points based on 3rd edition.


The overall army looks great and I'm very pleased with them.  I had several older units painted in about 1980s and always wanted to add more.  

Here is the completed army

Here is the whole army together, old and new!  Additions are another 20 warriors, more artillery and two war engines.  I still have a juggernaut on the painting table and a pre-slotta hobgoblin contingent, no projects are ever finished, just abandoned.....


  1. Such a fantastic collection, it looks awesome

  2. A wonderful celebration of the golden age of chaos dwarfs! Superb.

  3. Proper Oldhammer. 3rd Edition, lovely mix of vintage minis, and playable!

    Congratulations Chris!

  4. The mix of old and new is seamless. Great work! Congratulations!

  5. Wow! Looks so nice all together

  6. Fantastic work. Great seeing a dark chaos army, with little spot colours - so menacing! I'm a big fan of all the tiny movement trays for the weapon teams :) Great job sir!

  7. So much unique miniatures here... wow. It wasn't easy because I think chaos dwarves can sometimes look a bit monotone, they are fantastic !

  8. Great looking force, I love the solid presence they have laid out on the table. They look like proper "anvil" units!

  9. I'm a little jealous of this project. A lot of models in there that I drooled over as a kid. A force to be proud of, Sir.


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